His ‘Last Words’: Michael Douglas Says His Father Endorsed Bloomberg Prior To Death

Shortly after his father’s funeral, Michael Douglas revealed that his father, Kirk Douglas, endorsed former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for president in the last moments of his life.
“I don’t know if he was pulling my leg or not, but one of the last words that he said in the hospital, when he came and he saw me, asked me to lean over close to him, and I leaned over close to him and he said, ‘Mike can get it done’,” Michael said at an event in Wisconsin on Saturday.
As reported by WKOW, Michael Douglas continued to “continued to campaign for Bloomberg Saturday afternoon, speaking at another event in Oconomowoc.”
Michael Douglas has been an outspoken supporter of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, hailing him as “one of the greatest candidates in the history of our elections.”
“I feel so blessed that in this particularly difficult time that we have one of the greatest candidates in the history of our elections,” Douglas recently told People. “I feel that all those years as mayor have really helped him with budgets. With all respect to Buttigieg, we’re talking about a city of 12 million people.”
“The fact that he doesn’t need people to pay for his campaign means that he doesn’t owe anybody,” he added “Do I hope eventually that money in political campaigns will become a thing of the past? Certainly. I think Mike would be one of the first ones to say that.”
Michael Douglas also felt that the Democratic Party should be avoiding going to far to the extreme.
“I don’t know if we are ready for a dramatic change in policies or if we’re working more just to fix some of the things that are wrong,” Douglas said. “A little tweaking might be in order and make audiences feel a little more secure before we have anything of a dramatic change taking place. I think he’s the one that’s going to bring everybody together. Those of the people in the middle, those Republicans who are uncomfortable with how things are going. I think all can feel comfortable under Mike’s umbrella.”
Last week, Kirk Douglas, arguably the last noticeable remnant of the Hollywood golden age, died at the age of 103, leaving behind a body of work that included such classics like “Spartacus” and “Paths of Glory.” In a statement posted to his Instagram, Michael Douglas praised his father’s work both on and off the screen.
“It is with tremendous sadness that my brothers and I announce that Kirk Douglas left us today at the age of 103,” wrote Michael Douglass. “To the world he was a legend, an actor from the golden age of movies who lived well into his golden years, a humanitarian whose commitment to justice and the causes he believed in set a standard for all of us to aspire to.”
“But to me and my brothers Joel and Peter he was simply Dad, to Catherine, a wonderful father-in-law, to his grandchildren and great-grandchild their loving grandfather, and to his wife Anne, a wonderful husband,” continued Michael. “Kirk’s life was well-lived, and he leaves a legacy in film that will endure for generations to come, and a history as a renowned philanthropist who worked to aid the public and bring peace to the planet.”
“Let me end with the words I told him on his last birthday and which will always remain true. Dad — I love you so much and I am so proud to be your son,” he concluded.
His ‘Last Words’: Michael Douglas Says His Father Endorsed Bloomberg Prior To Death His ‘Last Words’: Michael Douglas Says His Father Endorsed Bloomberg Prior To Death Reviewed by Your Destination on February 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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