Oh Brother… Stacey Abrams: “A Man Was Murdered Because He Was Asleep in a Drive-Through” (VIDEO)

So is this the lie we’re all supposed to repeat now?
It so hard to keep up in this era of “wokeness.”
Failed Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams dropped a doozy today.
Abrams told George Stephanopolous on ABC’s This Week Rashard Brooks was murdered because he was asleep in a drive-through.
Stacey Abrams: “That is why you saw the reaction from protesters. That is why the virulence of anger remain. Activists are necessarily calling into question what’s actually being done. And what I would say is there is a legitimacy to this anger. There’s a legitimacy to this outrage. A man was murdered because he was asleep in a drive-through. We know this is not an isolated occurance.”
Yeah. That happened.
Stacy is a uniter.

"A man was murdered because he was asleep in a drive-through, and we know that this is not an isolated occurrence."@staceyabrams comments on the killing of Rayshard Brooks .
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Oh Brother… Stacey Abrams: “A Man Was Murdered Because He Was Asleep in a Drive-Through” (VIDEO) Oh Brother… Stacey Abrams: “A Man Was Murdered Because He Was Asleep in a Drive-Through” (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on June 14, 2020 Rating: 5