A List of Important Dates and Links to State Legislatures to Call to Demand Democrats Don’t Get Away with Stealing the Election
Lists of contact information for state legislatures in key swing states where Biden is attempting to steal the 2020 election.
Yesterday we reported that the legislatures in the states are ultimately accountable for the reporting of delegates to the electoral college. There may be a need to have them take on their responsibility this year.
One reader (Mark B.) shared with us his thoughts on what we can do:
If citizens lose faith in fair and equal voting without outside influence they lose faith in their laws, leadership, and government. Since there are those that may attempt to subvert elections for political or personal gain everyone must be vigilant and transparent in the election process. I am concerned because there are reports that the current election is being subverted. If it is, please encourage your readers to encourage legislators to work with other legislators, law enforcement, and the attorney General to correct any problems and bring any bad actors to justice.
According to the law the state legislatures ultimately pick the electoral college members. This has to be done within a specific time frame. Here are some key dates:
Late November/Early December: Each state has its own deadline to certify the election. However, if ballot disputes, litigation or other factors delay the count, blowing this deadline doesn’t invoke a penalty in the presidential race. The big deadlines are still to come.
Dec. 8: This is known as the safe harbor deadline. That means that Congress cannnot challenge any electors named by this date in accordance with state law. Most states want their electors named by this deadline, to ensure Congress cannot disregard them.
Dec. 14: This is the date when electors are required to meet in their states and cast their ballots for president. Missing this deadline could mean a state’s electors don’t count in the presidential tally. Any electors seated between Dec. 8 and this date can still vote, but they could theoretically be challenged by Congress. Also, by this date the governor of each state must certify the state’s presidential election and slate of electors.
Below is a list of state legislatures in some of the key swing states the Biden campaign is trying to steal:
Arizona Legislature https://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster/
Georgia General Assembly http://www.legis.ga.gov/en-US/default.aspx
Michigan Legislature https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(cc0hs5oao0b4zn55a2na5kh4))/mileg.aspx?page=home
Minnesota House https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/list
Minnesota Senate https://www.senate.mn/members/
North Carolina General Assembly https://ncleg.gov/
Pennsylvania Senate https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/mbrList.cfm?body=S&sort=alpha
Pennsylvania House https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/mbrList.cfm?body=H&sort=alpha
Wisconsin Senate https://legis.wisconsin.gov/senate/
Wisconsin House https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/