Dominion Employees Are Hiding at Home and Working Remotely — Not a Peep from Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer

 Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Spent on Dominion Voting Machines in Numerous Swing States Before 2020 Election

Image by Sovereign Insurgent

The purchase and implementation of Dominion voting machines in swing states around the country was likely planned over a period of years. 

These same machines are at the center of the fraud filings in Michigan and Georgia last night by attorney Sidney Powell. 

Last week Dominion voting systems refused to testify before a Pennsylvania House Committee.
They lawyered up instead.

On Wednesday Dominion posted a webpage claiming their innocence.
The page is littered with half-truths that can be refuted in a quick online search.

Dominion announced that its employees are working from home.
The company blames threats and then it blames COVID.
They need to get their talking points down before they post something.

What is interesting is that the company’s anti-Trump Antifa executive Eric Coomer has disappeared since the election.

Just last month Eric Coomer was working with the Georgia Secretary of State in his lawsuit filed by the people of Georgia into their illegal actions before the election.

But now the Trump-hating executive is nowhere to be found.

Dominion Employees Are Hiding at Home and Working Remotely — Not a Peep from Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Dominion Employees Are Hiding at Home and Working Remotely — Not a Peep from Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Reviewed by Your Destination on November 27, 2020 Rating: 5