Columnist: Why More And More Trump Signs Are Appearing Across America
The MAGA movement continues to get stronger.
Salena Zito, a columnist for the New York Post, wrote an op-ed explaining that more and more Trump signs are popping up across the country.
The column wrote about Drew and Marlene Proctor who took a three-week trip across the country.
They said that during the trip they saw Trump signs “everywhere.”
But one thing remained constant no matter what state, city, town or village they passed through, Drew said, “and that was the amount of Trump signs we saw everywhere.”
“And I mean everywhere,” he added for emphasis. “They were in wealthy suburban neighborhoods, blue-collar middle class towns. You would see them in farm fields and painted on the sides of businesses. Most of them were either large flags, although plenty of them were hand-painted homemade signs too.”
In total, the couple traveled through 12 states and logged more than 5,000 miles on their sojourn. I spoke with both Proctors last month as they sat outside a diner, enjoying a burger near Mt. Rushmore in Keystone, SD. As if on cue, a motorcyclist drove by with a Trump flag billowing out the back.
Drew, 47, said people who didn’t vote for Trump and regularly fly over these states might be surprised or even shocked by the show of support for the former president who lost to Joe Biden last fall.
Biden’s presidency continues to fall apart.
Americans who voted for Biden are beginning to regret their vote.
According to a Zogby poll, 21% of Democrats regret their vote for Biden.
The Washington Examiner reported:
Millions of Americans are reconsidering their vote for President Joe Biden last year as they see him hobble through a growing stack of national problems.
The latest Zogby Poll provided to Secrets said that 20% “regret voting for President Biden.”
Remarkably, 21% of Democrats expressed regret as did 29% of his Republican voters. The overall hit to Biden was tempered by independents, of which just 14% said they wanted their vote back.
The Zogby Analytics survey is rich with details of who is abandoning Biden.