“Gross Example of Federal Intrusion”...Map of States That Refuse to Comply With Biden Covid Mandates

 After Joe Biden’s announcement making sweeping COVID mandates to require vaccinations and fines for non-compliance, governors across America took action. They announced plans to sue the Biden administration and said they would not comply with the new mandates.

How idiotic and tyrannical are these new mandates? There are no exemptions for those 100 million who have natural immunity.

The map below shows the states that will not comply with Biden’s tyrannical mandates:

Governors across America tweeted out that they will not be complying:

South Carolina’s Governor stood firm ready to fight Biden: “We will fight Joe Biden to the gates of Hell.”

Tennessee’s governor: “The Constitution won’t allow this power grab…”

Wyoming’s Governor:

Many other governors across America, including Kristi Noem of South Dakota, announced she’s resisting:

“Joe Biden see you in court.”

Governor Noem followed up with:


One thing Biden has done is he has brought Americans who believe in freedom together more than ever.

“Gross Example of Federal Intrusion”...Map of States That Refuse to Comply With Biden Covid Mandates “Gross Example of Federal Intrusion”...Map of States That Refuse to Comply With Biden Covid Mandates Reviewed by Your Destination on September 11, 2021 Rating: 5