Creepy Video of Teacher Prodding Toddlers Into Singing “I wear a mask to school” Goes Viral [Video]
The children’s song “The Farmer in the Dell” was turned into a weapon of propaganda by a pre-school teacher when she changed the words.
A video of the pre-school teacher singing about masks keeping us safe and chiding toddlers to sing along has gone viral and not in a good way. It was first posted on Tik Tok and there is no indication of where or when the incident occurred.
The unsettling video is an excellent example of how our children are being taught to fear living without a mask. It’s evil to brainwash small children to believe the mask will keep them safe.
These poor kids:
“I wear a mask to school, I wear a mask to school, hi-ho, the derry-o, I wear a mask to school. It helps to keep me safe, it helps to keep, hi-ho, the derry-o, it helps to keep me safe. It keeps my friends safe. It keeps my friends safe, hi-ho, the derry-o, it keeps my friends safe.”
Children around the world will be forever changed because of the mask mandates.