Angry Leftists Try To Defend Violent Child Rapist Shot And Killed By Rittenhouse…BAD Idea

 Co-founder of The Federalist, Sean Davis, has shot back at journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones who said “In this country, you can even kill white people and get away with it if those white people are fighting for Black lives.” Davis tweeted back, saying: “Yeah, the white halfling child rapist running around shouting the n-word was definitely fighting for black lives”.


Davis is referring to Joseph Rosenbaum, one of the men shot by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha. Rittenhouse supporters have been fighting back against the Left who are trying to glorify the men that were shot while framing Rittenhouse as a cold-blooded killer. HOWEVER, Rosenbaum was convicted for raping five children ages 9-11 and, while in prison, committed 40 violations including assaults on staff. See Tweet below for official reports on Rosenbaum (WARNING: contains vulgar details of Rosenbaum’s offenses).

The night of Rosenbaum’s death, he had been videotaped trying to push a flaming dumpster towards a gas station and, when bystanders stopped him from causing a massive explosion, he tried to start a fight with them, yelling “F*** you and everything you got! Shoot me N*gga! Shoot me!” See this video below.

That very same morning, Rosenbaum had been released from a mental hospital after assaulting his fiancée and trying to OD on drugs. After being released, he violated his court order to stay away from her but was turned away from the fiancée that night. Rosenbaum then went downtown where the riots were taking place.

This is one of the men the Liberal media is DEFENDING and mourning the death of. They are trying to convince the public that he was a good man who was fighting for Black rights… when, in reality, he was a mentally unstable child rapist who found the riots to be an opportunity to create chaos and release his anger. This is who the BLM wants to riot over?… Really?

Angry Leftists Try To Defend Violent Child Rapist Shot And Killed By Rittenhouse…BAD Idea Angry Leftists Try To Defend Violent Child Rapist Shot And Killed By Rittenhouse…BAD Idea Reviewed by Your Destination on November 20, 2021 Rating: 5