New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria


Despite the hysterical predictions from unhinged globalists like Al Gore and Sandy Cortez, the total global carbon emissions have been flat for at least 10 years.

But facts don’t matter to committed globalists and radical socialists who want to destroy the US energy sector and make the US dependent on the Chinese regime.

Carbon Brief reported:

While fossil emissions are expected to return to near-record levels, the study also reassesses historical emissions from land-use change, revealing that global CO2 output overall may have been effectively flat over the past decade.

The 2021 GCP almost halves the estimate of net emissions from land-use change over the past two years – and by an average of 25% over the past decade.

These changes come from an update to underlying land-use datasets that lower estimates of cropland expansion, particularly in tropical regions. Emissions from land-use change in the new GCP dataset have been decreasing by around 4% per year over the past decade, compared to an increase of 1.8% per year in the prior version.

New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria Reviewed by Your Destination on December 05, 2021 Rating: 5