Colorado State Offers Counseling To Help Students Cope With The Horrors of Free Speech

 Colorado State University (CSU) has placed signs around campus that list resources for students to seek help if they have been triggered by free speech.

These signs read, “If you (or someone you know) are affected by a free speech event on campus, here are some resources…” The sign then lists 17 departments/resources that both the students and faculty can contact if they have been triggered by free speech on CSU’s campus.

This type of initiative encourages college students to act like it is harmful to them to hear someone disagreeing with their political views. CSU is validating the self-victimization of young adults, and encouraging students to fear free speech and think of it as dangerous. Instead of preparing its students for the real world, the university is teaching its students that different opinions are negative things and instead of being intelligent confronted and/or dealt with, they should instead seek counseling.



This image was initially posted to Instagram by Turning Point USA’s local chapter. The conservative student organization accused the school of intolerance with the caption, “And we haven’t even had an event yet gotta love the intolerance of @coloradostateuniversity”

Back in October, CSU sent out an email threatening to arrest the unvaccinated students if they are caught on school property without first submitting proof of vaccination or being approved for a vaccine exemption.

Colorado State Offers Counseling To Help Students Cope With The Horrors of Free Speech Colorado State Offers Counseling To Help Students Cope With The Horrors of Free Speech Reviewed by Your Destination on February 01, 2022 Rating: 5