BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contains Emails Showing then-VP Biden’s Son Reportedly Helped Secure $Millions For Military Bioresearch Program In Ukraine

 Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop acquired by the Daily Mail allegedly show then-Vice President Biden’s son Hunter was involved in a scheme to help secure millions in funding for a US Department of Defense contractor, Metabiota, that specialized in pandemic causing diseases that might be used as bioweapons.

On March 11, at the request of Vladimir Putin, the  UN Security Council met to present alleged evidence of military biological activities by the United States in Ukraine.

Earlier this month, US officials warned Congress that “Russian forces may be seeking to gain control” of these ‘biological research facilities,’ prompting fears that deadly and even engineered pathogens could fall into Russian hands.

Here is the live video of the UN Security Council meeting where Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia blasted the United States for their alleged involvement in “bioweapons labs” in Ukraine:

Only days before Russia’s UN Ambassador’s testimony, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) questioned US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, who admitted that Ukraine does have several “biological research facilities.”

“Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact, we are now quite concerned,” Nuland said, “Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.”

Intelligence experts and world leaders immediately dismissed the claims by Russian military leaders as “propaganda” to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Fox News top-rated host Tucker Carlson blasted the US, saying they are lying about US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine:

Now, the Daily Mail is reporting that newly obtained emails from Hunter’s laptop appear to show Moscow’s claim that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military ‘bioweapons’ research program in Ukraine is at least partially valid.

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contains Emails Showing then-VP Biden’s Son Reportedly Helped Secure $Millions For Military Bioresearch Program In Ukraine BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contains Emails Showing then-VP Biden’s Son Reportedly Helped Secure $Millions For Military Bioresearch Program In Ukraine Reviewed by Your Destination on March 26, 2022 Rating: 5