The most millennial story ever: Student, 20, whose friend gave her a hot water bottle texts to ask him why it isn't heating up on its own (8 Pics)

A HAPLESS student proved a real blundergraduate when she filled her hot water bottle up from the cold tap and complained that it wasn’t heating up.
Megan Ellis, had hoped to counter the chilly temperatures in her Glasgow digs by adopting the approach favoured by grans the world over.
But the 20-year-old has been left red-faced after it became clear using one properly was beyond her abilities.
In an exchange of messages with her flatmate Josh Moody, which he subsequently shared on Twitter, she moaned: “The hot water bottle you gave me doesn’t work.
“I put water into it like two hours ago and it’s still not heating up.”
Josh replied: “Did you heat the water up before you put it in?”

Megan, who studies advertising, answered: “I thought that was the bottle's job?”
Reaction on social media ranged from CRE Mullins writing: “Genuinely quite angry at this” to Nunupie admitting: “I used to think this too, shame I must confess.”
SushiRollPhan asked: “Had he never done a hot water bottle before? He’d never had a cold or a tummy ache?”
While Maestro wrote: “I’m shocked.”

The most millennial story ever: Student, 20, whose friend gave her a hot water bottle texts to ask him why it isn't heating up on its own (8 Pics) The most millennial story ever: Student, 20, whose friend gave her a hot water bottle texts to ask him why it isn't heating up on its own (8 Pics) Reviewed by Your Destination on November 17, 2017 Rating: 5