Weeds star Elizabeth Perkins holds sign naming actor James Woods as she joins hundreds of women in stand against sexual abuse at the #MeToo Survivors march in Hollywood (30 Pics)

  • Elizabeth Perkins took part in the Take Back the Workplace March in LA
  • Hundreds attended the march which twinned with the #MeToo movement
  • Perkins carried a sign that named actor James Woods coupled with #MeToo

  • Gal Gadot, star of the critically acclaimed blockbuster Wonder Woman,refuses to star in the film’s sequel if producer and accused sexual predator Brett Ratner doesn’t bow out of the project, a Hollywood source told Page Six.
    Ratner, an executive producer of the film, is accused of masturbating in front of a New York model without her consent in 2008. Another six women have alleged sexual misconduct against Ratner, including an accusation of forced oral sex, the Los Angeles Times reported.
    Actress Ellen Page, also the host of Viceland’s Gaycation, claims Ratner outed her as gay on the set of X-Men: The Last Stand when she was 18, by saying: “You should fuck her to make her realize she’s gay.” Page’s costar Anna Paquin corroborated the account.
    Ratner is among a slew of powerful men in Hollywood and other industries who have been accused of sexual assault and harassment amid more than 100 women’s allegations against mega-producer Harvey Weinstein.
    Since the news surfaced in early October, women and men have been using the hashtag #MeToo to highlight how rampant abuse and harassment are in Hollywood and elsewhere. On Sunday, hundreds took the streets in Los Angeles to protest.
    On a mission: Elizabeth Perkins, left, marched at the front of a rally against sexual harassment and abuse alongside Harvey Weinstein accuser Lauren Silvan on Sunday in Hollywood

    As she marched along, Perkins, 56, at one point held up a handwritten sign that said: 'James Woods #MeToo.' It's not known why she chose to carry it

    The actress, who is currently appearing on the hit NBC drama This Is Us, is vocal in her support for those alleging abuse and harassment in the wake of the Weinstein scandal 

    Frances Fisher also participated in the event that combined the Take Back The Workplace March and #MeToo Survivors March and Rally

    Titanic star Fisher was among the speakers who addressed the crowd at the Hollywood & Highland complex in the heart of Tinseltown

    March organizer Brenda Gutierrez, actress Frances Fisher and activist and #MeToo campaign founder Tarana Burke participate in the Take Back The Workplace March and #MeToo Survivors March & Rally

    Pop culture critic Jasmyne Cannick speaks at the #MeToo Survivors March & Rally on Sunday in Hollywood

    Activist carrying a 'We Trust Women' sign participates in Sunday's marches. About 200 to 300 people attended the events

    Sivan, a TV journalist who alleged sexual harassment from Weinstein, served as the 'celebrity chair' of the Take Back the Workplace part of the event event

    While speaking at Sunday's rally, Sivan said that the time is ripe for a re-ordering of power

    Producer Schulman, who presides over the advocacy group Women in Film, told the crowd that the sexual harassment problem can't be fixed by just weeding out sex criminals

    A woman at the rally wore a hat that featured comments people have heard while being sexually harassed

    A woman wearing a 'Silence is not an option' shirt carried a sign reading 'A vagina brought you into the world, a vagina will vote you out'

    Weeds star Elizabeth Perkins holds sign naming actor James Woods as she joins hundreds of women in stand against sexual abuse at the #MeToo Survivors march in Hollywood (30 Pics) Weeds star Elizabeth Perkins holds sign naming actor James Woods as she joins hundreds of women in stand against sexual abuse at the #MeToo Survivors march in Hollywood (30 Pics) Reviewed by Your Destination on November 13, 2017 Rating: 5