'We're sick of seeing your big bum and boobs': Australian neighbours body-shame and threaten to call the POLICE on a couple for getting changed with their blinds open – so whose side are you on?
A couple has been left horrified after receiving a nasty note from their neighbours, body-shaming them and accusing them of indecent exposure.
Karin and Jay who received the letter that was pushed under their front door, have told they were completely “shocked” by what it said.
“Would you please close your blinds when getting dressed or undressed,” the anonymous note began.
“We are sick of seeing big bum, big boobs and little willy. Or we will report you both for indecent exposure.”
The married couple were unaware their neighbours could see into their home, but admit they won’t be changing the way they live their life.
“We’re not nudists or exhibitionists,” Karin told. “We’re just going to continue going about or daily life and hope that our ‘sensitive’ neighbours will stop perving on us.”
While it was signed off “your neighbours” but the couple have no idea who sent it.
The reaction online has been huge, with people blasting the unidentified note senders as “narcissistic”
“What kind of GD narc would send such a letter?” one wrote.
Another pointed out that they called them “fat” and asked if the note had “hurt” their feelings.
Most however just laughed and suggested Karin and Jay get their own back with more nudity.
“Please come up with a choreographed naked dance routine that you practice 50 times daily,” one joked.
While one person suggested they should call the police on their “peeping Tom” neighbours.
'We're sick of seeing your big bum and boobs': Australian neighbours body-shame and threaten to call the POLICE on a couple for getting changed with their blinds open – so whose side are you on?
Reviewed by Your Destination
May 06, 2018

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