'How about those boobs? Wouldn't you like to f*** her?' Trump faces new claims about conduct towards 'Apprentice' contestants and staff – but former show executive says he does NOT believe president used n-word on tape
Staffers of NBC's 'The Apprentice' said they recalled hearing Donald Trump speak coarsely about women when he hosted the reality show but a former executive for the program said he doesn't recall the president saying the n-word.
Several employees described colorful and offensive language used by Trump during his 14 seasons on the show when the future president talked about women.
'He wasn't going around saying 'p****, p****, p****' all the time,' Katherine Walker, a producer for the show told The New Yorker.

Staffers of NBC's 'The Apprentice' said they recalled hearing Donald Trump speak coarsely about women when he hosted the reality show

Trump hosted the show for 14 seasons
But he would comment on women's bodies.
'He'd say, 'How about those boobs? Wouldn't you like to f*** her?' one employee of the show said.
However, one executive said he doubted that there was any 'Apprentice' tape in which Trump uses the N-word.
'I was the supervising editor on the first six seasons,' Jonathon Braun, an editor on the show, said. 'I didn't watch every frame, but in everything I saw I didn't hear him saying anything so horrible.'
He also told the magazine that show editors would amuse themselves by compiling 'gag' reels of a cast member's most off-color or embarrassing moments.
Those kinds of tapes can't be revealed - it's standard in a talent's contract to demand the out takes stay under wraps - but the reels would be shared internally.
'If there was a tape, it would have spread like wildfire,' Braun said.
Another 'Apprentice' staffer told The New Yorker: 'If somebody had the goods, it would have leaked long ago. There were no Trump fans on the set. I don't know a single person who worked on the show who voted for Trump.'
The person added that the set was always crowded and the cameras were always on: 'In the 'Access Hollywood' tape, Donald was on a bus. He thought he was alone. He never thought he was alone in the boardroom. It was a set.'
During the 2016 presidential campaign, an unaired portion of an interview Trump conducted with then-'Access Hollywood' host Billy Bush revealed Trump talking about how you can treat women when you are famous: 'You can do anything... grab them by the p*****.'
It caused immediate outrage but no long term political damage.
Since then, there have been rumors of tapes of Trump from his time on 'The Apprentice' saying the n-word.

Trump hosting the show with daughter Ivanka during the season 6 finale

The revelations about Trump were in a New Yorker profile of producer Mark Burnett

Trump on the set of 'The Apprentice' with producer Mark Burnett
But none have ever come to light.
Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former White House aide, and actor Tom Arnold have claimed to have heard the tapes but have offered no other proof.
Trump has denied the claims.
On August 13, 2018, he tweeted: '@MarkBurnettTV called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa.'
The details about Trump's time on the reality show were laid out in a long profile in The New Yorker on producer Mark Burnett, who created 'The Apprentice' and put Trump at the head of the boardroom.
'Donald would not be President had it not been for that show,' Walker said.
The show was credited with establishing Trump's credentials as a successful businessman and showing him as a powerful figure in the executive world.
The images that came out of the reality world showed a glamorous Trump: climbing in and out of limousines and helicopters, sitting in a board room, and working in offices filled with gold plating.
Braun, in the piece, talked about how he noticed parallels between Trump's work on the show and in the White House.

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman says she has heard tapes of Trump saying the n-word but has offered no proof; Trump has denied the charges

Donald Trump with actress Arianne Zucker and Billy Bush in the infamous 'Access Hollywood' interview
'The Apprentice' featured weekly challenges for the contestants and, at the end of each episode, Trump would determine who was 'fired.'
But, Braun noted, Trump was frequently unprepared and often fired people on a whim.
When this happened, the editors had to 'reverse engineer' the episode, which meant going through hundreds of hours of footage to justify the firing.
Braun told The New Yorker that President Trump's staff seems to be doing a similar move of reconstructing a narrative in reverse: 'I find it strangely validating to hear that they're doing the same thing in the White House.'
'How about those boobs? Wouldn't you like to f*** her?' Trump faces new claims about conduct towards 'Apprentice' contestants and staff – but former show executive says he does NOT believe president used n-word on tape
Reviewed by Your Destination
December 28, 2018