Kirsten Gillibrand Posts Cringeworthy Campaign Video, Gets Mocked

Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand posted a cringeworthy video on her Twitter account on Wednesday in an apparent attempt to garner media attention with her campaign already on the verge of collapsing.
The video showed Gillibrand lifting weights, which looked heavier than weights Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke lifts, while wearing a shirt that read: "Just trying to get some ranch."
The shirt was in reference to a viral moment that happened earlier this year when a young woman uttered that phrase while trying to move past Gillibrand as Gillibrand campaigned at a restaurant.
The most recent Real Clear Politics average has Gillibrand in last place, at only .4%, for the Democratic presidential nomination.
CNN's most recent 2020 power rankings for the Democratic contenders has Gillibrand near the bottom of the list in 9th place. CNN writes:
The case for the junior senator from New York remains the same as it's always been. She's got the most anti-Trump record of any senator and is running in a primary in which voters strongly dislike President Donald Trump. We're also of the belief that Democrats want to nominate a woman (e.g. 91% of Democrats said they would be comfortable or enthusiastic about nominating a woman in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll). Gillibrand, though, just hasn't caught on yet. Her poll numbers for the Democratic nomination remain in the low single digits. Charges of flip-flopping dog Gillibrand's campaign. It's not clear that Democrats have any interest in her given they have a wide variety of choices.
Here are some of the responses that Gillibrand's video received:
Allison Burnett: "Beto filming himself at the dentist doomed us to more of this nonsense. Brace yourself for Bernie's colonoscopy."
Dan Gainor: "Surprised she's not benchpressing a dog to get added clicks."
Nick Searcy: "Have you told Iowans that you want to abolish the Electoral College so that they will never have to see you again, @SenGillibrand?"
Erin Biba: "Aw fun many acute and chronic pain patients can’t even carry a carton of milk. Y’all working real hard on your response to the damage you’ve done with your cruel opioid bill, huh? Love to brag about being abled while you attack the day to day livelihoods of people with disabilities!"
Jon Blum: "It’s so cringeworthy how hard these politicians try to relate to the average American. #bunchofphonies"
Kirsten Fleming: "If the campaign process now requires candidates to assault voters with workout videos, I will be officially voting for Taft's fat corpse."
Michael Malice: "TFW when you are such an automaton without a soul that you make Marco Rubio look like Aretha Franklin"
In January, Gillibrand had another cringeworthy video, while she was "preaching at Al Sharpton's National Action Network's King Day Public Policy Forum on Martin Luther King Jr. Day," The Daily Wire reported.
"We will wear the belt of truth because we know the truth," Gillibrand yelled to the crowd as she made awkward gestures. "We speak truth to power. We will put on the bright breastplate of righteousness because we know right from wrong."
"And we will not forget it," Gillibrand continued. "We will hold that shield of faith, as Dr. King said, faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. So hold on to that faith tightly. We will wield the sword of the spirit, the sword of the spirit is the word of God and the good book promises us the light shines on the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."
Kirsten Gillibrand Posts Cringeworthy Campaign Video, Gets Mocked Kirsten Gillibrand Posts Cringeworthy Campaign Video, Gets Mocked Reviewed by Your Destination on March 21, 2019 Rating: 5