‘This will not end well’: Tempe, Ariz., cops have come up with ‘a terrible idea’ to promote traffic safety [video]

Today’s episode of “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” comes to us from Tempe, Arizona, where cops are deploying a new strategy to promote traffic safety:
Today, Police are kicking off a campaign to promote good driving. Officers will be pulling people over who are following traffic laws...but instead of a ticket you'll get a coupon for a free drink at Circle K-give us your reaction to this new initiative below!

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Yeah, this couldn’t end badly at all.
how dumb do Arizona police think people are

"we are going to profile people but pretend it's promoting good driving"

See generic white dude's other Tweets

Also, cops are forever going on about how traffic stops are among the most dangerous things they do. They never no when one will go bad. It's been used to justify force in the past.

But they're apparently not so dangerous they can't be used for cutesy PR I guess.
See Drew McCoy's other Tweets
Rethink this, Tempe Police.

Well, this is interesting:
So we’ve been talking about @TempePolice issuing “tickets” for following traffic laws pertaining to bicycles and pedestrians. They’ve clarified they’re not going to physically pull people over. That wasn’t originally clear in their release on the campaign. Release is below:
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21 people are talking about this
Really? And they just forgot to mention that part?
How did this make it on air or out of editing with such a huge mistake? You didn’t just rely on a press release for a story or a tweet, right? You actually talked to a real person before reporting this, yes?
See Justin McLachlan's other Tweets
Did you not ask them any questions? Did you not read this press release and think “huh, this sounds potentially unconstitutional.” Do your job and investigate before you uncritically report.
See Matt's other Tweets
The campaign is called “positive TICKETING.” Words matter. If there’s no plan to pull people over and give them “tickets,” then don’t use “ticketing” to describe your campaign.
See Fernanda Santos's other Tweets

‘This will not end well’: Tempe, Ariz., cops have come up with ‘a terrible idea’ to promote traffic safety [video] ‘This will not end well’: Tempe, Ariz., cops have come up with ‘a terrible idea’ to promote traffic safety [video] Reviewed by Your Destination on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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