Biden Explodes When Confronted On Lying About Charlottesville. Video Proves Biden Wrong.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden doubled down Thursday on a lie that he has repeatedly spread despite being called out on it numerous times and despite video evidence that clearly debunks his claim. 
While Biden was campaigning at the "Political Soapbox" at the Iowa State Fair, Breitbart's Joel Pollak confronted him over his repeated false claim that Trump called neo-Nazis and white nationalists "very fine people" in response to Charlottesville.
"Mr. Vice President are you aware that you are misquoting Donald Trump in Charlottesville?" Pollack asked Biden. "He never called neo-Nazis 'very fine people.'"
"No, he called all those folks who walked out of that — they were neo-Nazis," Biden said as he became visibly angry. "Shouting hate, their veins bulging."
"But he said specifically that he was condemning them," Pollak asserted.
"No, he did not. He said, he walked out, and he said — let’s get this straight," Biden falsely claimed. "He said there were 'very fine people' in both groups. They're chanting antisemitic slogans, carrying flags."
Left-wing Politico reporter Natasha Korecki seemingly took sides during the confrontation, stating that Biden tore into Pollak.
Biden has repeatedly made this false claim over the last several months and has refused to back off of it despite clear video evidence that shows he is lying.
Trump actually stated, "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
Biden spokesperson Bill Russo tried to cover for Biden on Twitter, tweeting out a deceptively edited transcript of Trump's remarks.
Both Breitbart News and the Trump campaign quickly called out Russo for his deception.
Breitbart News tweeted, "Why did you need to omit this?"
Included in Breitbart News' tweet was a screenshot showing the rest of the transcript of Trump's remarks where Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
Tim Murtaugh, Director of Communications for the Trump campaign, replied to Russo, "You always leave this out. From that very same event, moments later. But you know that."​
Even CNN's Jake Tapper, who is often highly critical of Trump, acknowledges that Trump did not say that neo-Nazis and white nationalists are "very fine people." 
CNN's Steve Cortes did a 5-minute video for Prager University that completely debunks the media and the Democratic Party's claim that Trump called neo-Nazis and white nationalists "very fine people."
Biden Explodes When Confronted On Lying About Charlottesville. Video Proves Biden Wrong. Biden Explodes When Confronted On Lying About Charlottesville. Video Proves Biden Wrong. Reviewed by Your Destination on August 09, 2019 Rating: 5