DAMN this is good –> Kimberley Strassel live-tweeted CNN’s #DemDebate and it’s BRUTALLY brilliant

In case you missed the Democratic Debates (and honestly, if you’re sane you stayed as far from that disaster as possible), Kimberley Strassel was good enough to ‘live-tweet’ the entire mess and her takeaways and analysis are spot on.
Truly a great way to catch up if you’re curious about what was said without having to torture yourself watching any replays.
Watching night 2 is a reminder this is not a divide between the "left" and "centrists." It's a divide between the left and the crazy left, and a reminder how far the D party has moved. All for much higher taxes, free healthcare, free everything. Just gradations.

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The huge divide on the Left was painfully obvious during both debates but last night, the way they went after Kamala Harris and Joe Biden … wow.
Harris fails to note that both her "private" and "public" healthcare plans will be dictated by the federal government. Biden is right: you lose your employer-provided insurance, and choice.

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Biden was right.
Which was why Kamala started melting down early.
De Blasio admits he has never once spoken to one of tens of millions of Americans who do like their healthcare. Sometimes it is good to leave the island.

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Pretty sure he did not mean to be THAT honest.
Gillibrand says whole "goal" of Rs is to "take away your healthcare." Which is bizarre given progressive claim that healthcare industry loves providing healthcare--so that it can (supposedly) drain the profits. Explain.

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Kirsten Gillibrand said a whole lot of nothing.
The end.
Booker's whole "let's get along" approach sits oddly with his claim--in the same sentence--that one side is the "enemy."

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Booker sounds like a broken terminator, he’s very robotic and disingenuous.
Biden came ready to play tonight, at least with regards healthcare. Good to see him demanding Harris explain cost/reality of her plan. (His is bad too, but....)

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Harris embraces "portability" in healthcare! Now where have i heard that before? Oh right. Republicans have been pushing for that for forever.

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Wrong, Senator Harris. Employees do craft a lot of their healthcare plans--through their negotiations, or through feedback/demands to employers, who want to keep employees happy. They will lose that ability under a Harris plan.

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No matter what any other candidate said, Kamala denied these facts.
It was painful.
Bennet: "This is about having faith in the American people that they can make their own decision for their families." DeBlasio: America gets ONE choice, an election.
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Biden: "I don't know what math you do in New York, in California." LOL.
Good line. And a question so many of us ask, on a daily basis.
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We need to start making a list of which Democrats have NOT called for "jailing" entrepreneurs. As Biden just did, for pharma execs. Scarily, it might be a very small list.
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Interesting how a bunch of people who got rich working for the ‘government’ wants to put actual entrepreneurs in jail.
Let's all bring to mind, as we watch this D debate, that famous Reagan quote, which holds even more true today: the most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
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Scary stuff.
Biden made a choice to separate himself from his more extreme colleagues tonight--and to do so with vigor. A good call for him. Lots of D primary voters want someone who sounds even relatively reasonable.
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Most of the candidates up there are still calling for open borders. This is a position that is simply not acceptable for most Americans.
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Medicare For All is another policy most Americans don’t want.
Democrats also spent a good bit of time pretending the economy isn’t roaring … it was all rather embarrassing.
Booker spends first few responses lecturing everyone about how Democrats need to not be "pitted" against each other. Now "pitting" himself, quite forcefully, against Biden. Again. And Again.
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Ooooh. Biden brings up Harris's time as AG of California, which is one place that progressives fault her for being too tough on criminals.
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Gabbard to Harris: "People who suffered under your reign as prosecutor." Ouch. Harris resorts to: I had to make tough calls....
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Good point Sen. Bennet: Um, why are we talking about what happened in schools 50 years ago, instead of what is wrong with schools today? Anyone? Anyone? (although missed noting that worst schools are all in liberal-run strongholds!!)
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Waiting for AOC to go after Dana Bash. Dana says we have all the way to 2050 to avert climate apocalypse, which even by New York and California math is more than 12 years. .
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We keep waiting for AOC to call Gabbard sexist for making Kamala Harris look so bad last night.
Nowhere is the left more nuts than on climate. Biden, the "reasonable" person on stage, says "no more fossil fuels" in his presidency. Think about this, folks. No oil, gas, coal. No diesel trucks, airplanes, fighter jets, chainsaws. This the America you want?
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Tulsi Gabbard advocates getting rid of the fossil fuels that are the only thing that keeps her island connected to the rest of the country.
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Note to Gillibrand: All good greenies, and progressives, know that Clorox (bleach) is bad for the environment. Please scour the Oval Office with something natural.
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Amusing. Harris complaining that Trump has broken promises to farmers and autoworkers. Just a few moments after she said she wanted to get rid of all fossil fuels, which would destroy farmers/automakers. I wish moderators would point some of this out.
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Would be nice if questions didn't begin from flawed premises--among them that women aren't paid equally.
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Note to the D women: Nothing helps women more than free-market policies. Marginal tax rates horrible for second-earners (mostly women). Gov. healthcare terrible for women (stripping choices). Labor laws take away from women work flexibility. Could go on.
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She slammed Harris but she’s just as nutty, folks.
Harris has a whole lot of "prey" and "predator" things going on in this closing statement. It is a bit confusing. Who is attacking and who is being eaten?
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The whole thing was PAINFUL.

DAMN this is good –> Kimberley Strassel live-tweeted CNN’s #DemDebate and it’s BRUTALLY brilliant DAMN this is good –> Kimberley Strassel live-tweeted CNN’s #DemDebate and it’s BRUTALLY brilliant Reviewed by Your Destination on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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