Everyone welcome back Al Franken as he touts his podcast about Moscow’s b*tch, Mitch McConnell

Is it just us, or did Al Franken lay low for a really long time after he was forced out of the Senate over multiple sexual harassment allegations right at the peak of the #MeToo movement? In any case, it seems Franken is doing a podcast now, and he’s keeping things classy by going after “Moscow’s bitch,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Is Moscow’s Bitch? I’d never say such a thing. Why, he’s the Majority Leader of the US Senate! @HowardFineman joins me on the podcast to discuss the man he’s been covering for decades. If you’re not subscribed to our YouTube channel, pls do! https://youtu.be/P1_w8IJk5zk 

1,074 people are talking about this
and yet you just did.

one would think you’d learn some class .. especially after being ousted the way you were.

by your own party. 🎀

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Franken’s guest is Howard Fineman, who went above and beyond in defending Franken against the accusations, assuring us all he is NOT predatory and loves his wife very much.

Tough words coming from the guy who resigned because Gillibrand (who is polling at 1%) cried on TV about you.

See Eric Demamp's other Tweets
Well, he can talk tough now that he’s a podcaster and not a senator talking smack about his boss.
Everyone welcome back Al Franken as he touts his podcast about Moscow’s b*tch, Mitch McConnell Everyone welcome back Al Franken as he touts his podcast about Moscow’s b*tch, Mitch McConnell Reviewed by Your Destination on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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