‘You are all lame’: Actor Isaiah Washington has a message for conservative actors outing themselves in his DMs

Actor Isaiah Washington is best known for his work on “Grey’s Anatomy,” but now he’s become the person to whom Hollywood conservatives privately confess their political leanings. And for unburdening themselves in his direct mentions, he’s calling them “lame” and hypocrites and cowards. It’s a harsh message, but a strong one.
I have a message for the Hollywood Actors DM’ing me and revealing that you’re Conservatives. Don’t DM me again, because you all are lame and I don’t respond well to hypocrites or cowards. You’re no different than the bystander that is waiting on the blood to spill from a martyr.

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It's time we all "outed" ourselves. This way Hollywood can't continue its assault on us, calling us racists and -phobes for supporting healthy fiscal values.

29 people are talking about this
Hey.. HWood actors who are conservatives...SPEAK UP. It's way easier being free.

See Petra's other Tweets
What a sad time we are facing when - even in the greatest country in the free world - a person is that afraid to be stigmatized for being something as mundane as “conservative.” Hypocrisy to a degree? Maybe. But they need encouraging. Is Hollywood more evil than we realize?

See Amy Jo Holcomb's other Tweets
I work in the industry and took a lot of heat for being an open conservative. Especially day after 2016 election, worked on a show called Colony, production side, we had an emergency meeting on set and spent the remaining shoot not being talked to by people once close.

18 people are talking about this
Baby steps, Mr. Washington...not everyone has the courage it takes to stand up/ stand out. You did & you paid dearly. It took courage for them to tell you...let it be your job to enourage them, not reject them. They are rightfully afraid and not ready to martyr themselves...yet.

21 people are talking about this
I agree... In political warfare, not everyone can be a general...

Undercover Conservatives play a vital role in spreading the philosophy as well...

See Nate J's other Tweets
I see it as this. We are living in a time where a person could certainly lose everything for not complying to the fascist left rules. We have strong people on the right side to counter this, but to expect that all people are strong enough and there is no meek, is fool-hearted.

See ValJean's other Tweets
We shouldn't be like the fascist left and shut them down, push them out, or even disparage them. We should hold their hand to help then stand or even stand in front of them

See ValJean's other Tweets
You’re a leader, and eventually they will have the courage. And we will welcome them all with open arms

See Robyn ⭐️⭐️⭐️'s other Tweets
The more they hide the bigger their shadow becomes. The bigger their shadow becomes the more scrutiny they will draw from the curious. And the more scrutiny they draw the more the mob gradually increases around them in their corner. Just come out already.

See Lan B Jr.'s other Tweets
Nicely said, Isaiah. I’m glad that there are some of them that are being honest w/you, but we don’t need that. We need bold & honest. This isn’t the time for pussies. It’s time to stand up, like you and I have. I’m LGBT & walked the hell away!...

See AWAKE AF ⭐️⭐️⭐️'s other Tweets
Amen! I have friends that IM me to tell me to keep talking, but they can’t or they’ll lose friends. I’ve lost friends and family, but I won’t allow anyone to intimidate me or stop me. It’s pathetic that they’ll won’t stand up and speak up!

See lori's other Tweets

‘You are all lame’: Actor Isaiah Washington has a message for conservative actors outing themselves in his DMs ‘You are all lame’: Actor Isaiah Washington has a message for conservative actors outing themselves in his DMs Reviewed by Your Destination on August 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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