41-Year-Old Disabled Man Euthanized After Government Health Officials Decide to Cut Funding for In-Home Care

A 41-year-old disabled man was put to death after government officials cut funding for his in-home care.

Sean Tagert was euthanized on August 6th in Canada.
Sean had ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Sean Tagert – Facebook and Grandin Media
Whatever happened to charity and mercy in the West?
Life News reported:

Canadian Sean Tagert, aged 41, was killed by assisted suicide after health officials decided to cut the funding for his in-home care hours.
Mr Tagert suffered from Motor Neurone Disease (MND) which is known in Canada as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). His illness reduced his ability to move his body, eat or speak, however his mental awareness remained unaffected. Doctors recommended 24-hour in-home care to support Mr Tagert.
However, Vancouver Coastal Health, initially only offered Mr Tagert 15.5 hours of care a day, which was then raised to 20 hours a day, meaning that Mr Tagert was forced to pay $263.50 a day for the remaining care that he needed to survive.
According to Grandin Media, on social media, Mr Tagert wrote a status which explained that two Vancouver Coastal Health officials visited his home and confirmed that they were cutting funding for his already inadequate care hours.
After receiving this news Mr Tagert wrote a number of devastating social media status’s which read: “So last Friday I officially submitted my medically assisted death paperwork, with lawyers and doctors, everything is in proper order. It’s been a month since I submitted my appeal to the Vancouver Coastal Health patient care quality department. They didn’t even respond….Welcome to the great Canadian healthcare system.”
Mr Tagert was killed by assisted suicide on August 6th.
41-Year-Old Disabled Man Euthanized After Government Health Officials Decide to Cut Funding for In-Home Care 41-Year-Old Disabled Man Euthanized After Government Health Officials Decide to Cut Funding for In-Home Care Reviewed by Your Destination on September 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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