Amanda Marcotte: Misogyny is destroying democracy because it’s an international tantrum over feminism
Amanda Marcotte is a politics writer for Salon, and she really liked a piece by Zack Beauchamp at Vox but didn’t think it went quite far enough, so she penned a piece arguing that the worldwide rise of authoritarianism (which of course includes American under President Trump) “is a direct result of men’s profound unwillingness to share power with women.”
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We were kind of surprised she didn’t namecheck the patriarchy but rather settled on misogyny — the former is probably implied.
This is my response to @zackbeauchamp, whose piece at Vox I liked very much. But I think it needs to be understood that when conservatives lament liberalism allowing "people" to choose self-fulfillment over duty to faith and family, they mean "women".
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Tucker Carlson to Josh Hawley to Michael Doughtery and other critics of modern liberal democracy may claim their values of "duty" and "family" apply to men as well as women, but in practice, that is flat-out nonsense. Only women and LGBTQ people are targeted and policed.
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It is LBGT people who are told they have a duty to hide their sexuality? In America? And what’s this about “conservatives” attempting to ban same-sex marriage? Even Barack Obama had to “evolve” on the issue before eventually lighting up the White House in pride colors to celebrate what he’d originally campaigned against.
It's not a coincidence that these right wing anti-democratic movements are popping up right as liberal democracies are on the verge of finally extending the promise of self-determination to women. It's clear to me that a lot of men will choose fascism over feminism.
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It’s funny … American men who would choose fascism over feminism and would like to see “The Handmaid’s Tale” become reality (if it isn’t already) are the same ones cheering the women in Iran taking off their government-mandated hijabs.
In sum, men around the world would rather burn down democracy than do the dishes.
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I'm confused. Seriously. In my house, it's understood that women aren't allowed to do dishes. Isn't that a universal truth?
See Don Handy's other Tweets
Men around the world would rather invent dishwashers than have anybody do the dishes.
Virtue signal received.
We’re not sure why Marcotte deleted this one, but it’s interesting:
“We don’t want to admit that women are important enough to inspire a worldwide rise of fascism” — good like untying that one.
Amanda Marcotte: Misogyny is destroying democracy because it’s an international tantrum over feminism
Reviewed by Your Destination
September 11, 2019
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