‘Nation’s leading impeachment lawyer’ Ross Garber says Pelosi, Schiff’s impeachment process a path to disaster for them
It’s never a good thing when a man who has been called the ‘nation’s leading impeachment lawyer’ is warning you that your impeachment process is a path to disaster.
But knowing Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, neither of them will likely pay any attention to Ross Garber’s ‘warning’.
An impeachment process that is perceived as partisan is a win for Trump.
Pelosi, Schiff and their surrogates need to appeal to moderate Rs. But they are still preaching to the converted.
That’s a path to disaster for them.
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In other words, good luck with that whole impeachment thing, Democrats. The only people who agree with their impeachment of the president already ‘hate’ him … they’re not convincing the masses or changing public opinion. And the more they play political games the worse they look.
For example, on the rules and procedures. Rs asked for the same rules that were used in Nixon and Clinton (approved unanimously). Pelosi told them to pound sand. This gave them a principled reason to walk and a legitimate talking point, which R leadership and WH will hammer.
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Great answer.
While the Congress as a Whole (Democrats, Independents and Republicans), could be doing so much more for this Country and its' "Waiting People" that don't want or play the Games they're having on a Daily Basis in Washington, D.C.
See GotSomeJams?'s other Tweets
Stay on that path Dems, stay on path. It’ll all work for the best. TRUMP 2020.
See Kevin Arthur Harper 's other Tweets
Such a winning campaign ad for Trump, yup.
Nobody tell them!
Which moderate Rs?
How do you know they’re not doing that already?
The public just needs a little more info - ie televised interviews - and support for impeachment will bump up again. That + 1-2 more booing episodes - that will clinch moderate Rs.
See Jessica Cannon's other Tweets
Fair question.
See Ross Garber's other Tweets
An even ‘more fair’ answer.
I have never understood how good and decent people support someone like Trump.
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I think that’s the issue, Samantha. We don’t hear from each other in person, in the media, on social media. We divide into tribes and then just insult each other. You seem open minded, but it’s actually hard to communicate with the other tribe.
See Ross Garber's other Tweets
Ross is one smart cookie.
A partisan impeachment is the only path they have. This is one for the history books, I'm afraid.
See James Cook's other Tweets
Because it’s about playing politics, not justice.
Hiding everything behind closed doors won't convert the unconvinced.
See Terry............'s other Tweets
Which makes it look like the partisan disaster Ross said it is … yup.
‘Nation’s leading impeachment lawyer’ Ross Garber says Pelosi, Schiff’s impeachment process a path to disaster for them
Reviewed by Your Destination
November 04, 2019
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