OOPS! Kamala Harris makes excuses for her failing campaign and accidentally admits how racist and sexist Dems are (watch)

We realize Democrats have been using the racist and sexist cards against their ‘foes’ for a long, long time, which is probably why Kamala Harris defaulted to this desperate excuse for her failing campaign. She can’t admit that her policies aren’t great and that at the end of the day an old bologna sandwich that’s been sitting in the sun for a week is more likable than she is so of course she blames racism and sexism.
Except this is the primary, not the general election so …
Kamala suggests "America" is not "ready for a woman of color to be president"

This is not the general election

This is the Democrat primary

So, essentially what she is suggesting is that Democrat voters are sexist and racist

H/T: @TaxReformExpert

1,870 people are talking about this
Painful, ain’t it?

Hey man, it’s not her fault Democrats are so racist and sexist.
And considering Eric Swalwell tried to run for president that is saying something.
Paging Condi Rice!

OOPS! Kamala Harris makes excuses for her failing campaign and accidentally admits how racist and sexist Dems are (watch) OOPS! Kamala Harris makes excuses for her failing campaign and accidentally admits how racist and sexist Dems are (watch) Reviewed by Your Destination on November 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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