FBI Arrests 3 Alleged White Supremacists Over Concerns They Might Engage in Violence at Virginia Gun Rally

Chris Wray  
The FBI arrested 3 alleged white supremacists on federal gun and alien-harboring charges ahead of the Virginia pro-2A rally next week over concerns they may engage in violence.
Isn’t it strange how the FBI closely monitors the handful of white supremacists, yet they never seem to crack down on the hundreds of violent, well-organized Antifa terrorists?
In July, FBI Director Wray testified before Congress that the majority of domestic terror investigations involve so-called white supremacists while simultaneously downplaying Antifa violence.
“And I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence. But it includes other things as well,” Wray said in July to a Senate committee.
Antifa thugs have taken over streets in Portland and directed traffic, cracked skulls open with dangerous weapons and violently attacked gay journalist Andy Ngo — this is all ignored by the FBI.
WaPo reported:

The charges announced Thursday grew from an investigation of a collection of online extremists who refer to themselves as “the Base,” which is the English translation of al-Qaeda. According to experts who track hate groups, its members promote racist views and seek to unite different hate groups in preparation for a race war.
Officials said Brian Mark Lemley Jr., 33, and William Bilbrough IV, 19, both of Maryland, were charged with transporting an alien and conspiring to harbor an alien. Lemley is also charged with transporting a machine gun. Also charged is Patrik Mathews, 27, who has been living in Newark, Del. He is accused of transporting a firearm and ammunition with the intent to commit a felony.
“Lemley, Mathews, and Bilbrough are members of a white supremacist organization named ‘The Base,’ ” the complaint charges. “Within The Base’s encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization’s military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices.”
Mathews went missing in Canada in August, and U.S. officials say that after he slipped across the border, Lemley and Bilbrough met up with him in Michigan and brought him to Maryland and Delaware.
The court papers charge that Lemley and Mathews used gun parts “to make a functioning assault rifle.”
On Jan. 2, an FBI agent watched as Lemley took the weapon to a gun range in Maryland “and heard what appeared to be more than one bullet being fired at a time.”
After returning from the gun range, Lemley allegedly told Mathews, “Oops, it looks like I accidentally made a machine gun” and noted that they would be in trouble if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives found out about the weapon.
Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam immediately banned all guns ahead of Monday’s pro-gun rally, citing “credible and serious threats.” Virginia is an “open-carry” state, meaning residents don’t even need a concealed-carry permit but can rather just wear a gun openly.
Richmond-based Antifa Seven Hills will reportedly march in Monday’s rally but fear not because the FBI arrested 3 white supremacists and Gov KKK Ralph Northam banned guns. 
FBI Arrests 3 Alleged White Supremacists Over Concerns They Might Engage in Violence at Virginia Gun Rally FBI Arrests 3 Alleged White Supremacists Over Concerns They Might Engage in Violence at Virginia Gun Rally Reviewed by Your Destination on January 18, 2020 Rating: 5