DOW DROPS 1,190 POINTS — WORST DECLINE IN HISTORY — Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd Calls Coronavirus “Possibly The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen”

The Dow Jones dropped 1,190 points on Thursday as the global coronavirus threat worsened.
This was the worst drop in Dow history.

The US market dropped 3,000 points so far this week.
Guggenheim Global Chief and Founder Scott Minerd told Bloomberg TV that this is “possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
Scott Minerd: You know one thing Joe, I’ll tell you, that I have not said to anyone else in public, this is possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my career. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve been through the stock market crash in ’87. I went through the financial crisis. This has the potential to reel into something extremely serious.
Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd: Coronavirus Crisis “Possibly Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen”
Via Ali.

DOW DROPS 1,190 POINTS — WORST DECLINE IN HISTORY — Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd Calls Coronavirus “Possibly The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen” DOW DROPS 1,190 POINTS — WORST DECLINE IN HISTORY — Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd Calls Coronavirus “Possibly The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen” Reviewed by Your Destination on February 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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