1 Mom made these to hand out to the neighborhood kids. Used pink because it’s her goddaughters favorite color. This is supposed to be a ghost holding candy corn. 2 My mom bought a car and got this 3 The one on the left is what my mom ordered for our cats, the right one is what arrived in the mail 4 My mom accidentally left her mirror in front of the window over the day. After coming back she found this… 5 My mom came home to this. 6 Mom forgot Milk on stove for over 40mins. Set off fire alarm 7 My mom was trying to go to the gym and watched this fall in front of her car 8 “New game, find the kneading paddle” -Mom 9 My mom went to feed the cats this morning… 10 My mom’s roomba broke her lamp today 11 Mom bought a frying pan on Amazon. I wasn’t disappointed. 12 Mom said she forgot her credit card… found it. 13 Turkey did not turn out well 14 Mom spelled mail wrong 15 My mom’s iPod, which he had for 10 years, has taken a trip in the washer 16 So my mom finally finished her 1000 price puzzle… 17 My mom was shaking to steak sauce and the lid went flying off 18 Mom thought the coffee maker was broke. 19 My littlest sister made this for our mom. Our mom went to Vegas. 20 Asked my mom to flip out the banana bread(cream cheese filled)she tripped while carrying it over to the counter. 21 When you find out your kid is 100% going to fail 22 My friend’s mom had a little accident… 23 Returned to the car to discover my kid found a sharpie 24 My mom accidentally got the wrong cheese. Our lasagna turned into a strange cheese soup…. 25 When the delicious Snickers cake is not properly secured. 26 A few years ago, my mom made some potato salad to bring to Thanksgiving. 27 My mom got a letter in the mail from my bank asking to confirm my death. Turns out the social security administration messed up and now the govt. thinks Im dead 28 My moms closet bars broke, and everything fell down 29 My moms phone was closed in a car door 30 Christmas cookie fail
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