High-Res American flag FACTs because “I was BOOORN in the U.S.A.” (50 Photos)
Let’s take a moment to enjoy America’s greatest symbol.
These are facts about “Ol’ Glory”.
These are facts about “Ol’ Glory”.
And if ya want a classic song for the post..yep, just click play and enjoy the learning.
Red stands for Courage in battle
White represents Freedom and Innocence
Blue characterizes Equity along with personal loyalty, support and belief in America
White represents Freedom and Innocence
Blue characterizes Equity along with personal loyalty, support and belief in America
Back in 1958, 17-year-old Robert G. Heft was living with his grandparents in Ohio when he was given a school project to design a 50-star flag reflecting the addition of Alaska and Hawaii to the nation.
Heft got a B- on his project…
Heft got a B- on his project…
…that score was later up-graded to an A,
after President Eisenhower picked Heft’s flag design as the new banner of our nation.
after President Eisenhower picked Heft’s flag design as the new banner of our nation.
Six American flags have been placed on the Moon.
Apollo crews 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 planted Ol’ Glory on that rock circling our Earth.
Apollo crews 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 planted Ol’ Glory on that rock circling our Earth.
For years, the “Superflag” held the Guinness World Record for Earth’s largest flag. The 3,000-pound giant is still America’s biggest flag. It took 200 people to hang the Superflag over the Hoover Dam during the 1996 Olympic Torch Relay. At the time, that version had 50 Star measuring in at 17-ft. tall.
Since then, there have been 3 “Superflags” made. The largest measures in at a staggering 255×505-ft and requires 600 people to keep it from touching the ground.
Everyone knows the 50 stars represents each State but why are there 13 stripes?
In case history classes (these days) haven’t taught this; the stripes represents the original 13 Colonies that fought for our Independence.
When raising the flag, it should be done quickly.
However, in a show of respect, the flag should be lowered slowly.
Have you ever seen a Military uniform and wondered why the American flag shoulder patch is backwards?
It represents the flag flowing through the wind as the Soldier/Marine is charging into battle.
When the 14th and 15th States, Vermont and Kentucky became part of the Union; a new version of the flag was created with both 15 Stars and 15 Stripes. However, this also created a flag design dilemma for Congress. What would they do as America continued to add future States?
Would they just keep re-designing Ol’ Glory?
Congress’ final solution: revert to the old version with 13 stripes to represent the original 13 colonies and moving forward, let the stars represent the States.
You can own a flag that has actually flown over the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. The website for one of your senators or representatives has a form you can fill out under “Constituent Services,” according to the American Flag Foundation.
Although not an official federal holiday, “Flag Day” commemorates the adoption of the American flag on June 14th, 1777.
Rules exist for displaying the American Flag.
-Display the flag from sunrise to sunset
-if she is displayed at night, it should be illuminated
-Ol’ Glory should never touch the floor or the ground
-The blue field should be in the upper left hand corner when displayed on a window or wall.
What color are those 6 flags on the moon going to become?
Because of the Moon’s massive temperature changes relative to the Earth along with the intense UV radiation on our lil’ brother above…scientist predict that those flags will eventually become bleach-White.
An upholsterer from Philadelphia is usually credited for both designing and sewing the first American Flag.
Betsy Ross has held credit for creating the first Flag. However, the first account of this legacy didn’t come around until 1870. The story was told almost a century after Betsy Ross had passed-away…and the tale was told to public by her grandson.
During deployment, our Military wears a blue-gray version of the Flag.
The obvious reason is to not stick-out while concealed during battle.
It also helps with friendly-fire by showing-up when viewed through night vision goggles.
We put our own spin on the tradition of flying the flag at half-staff.
Flying the flag at half-staff to show mourning and respect for the fallen actually dates back at least to 1612. It came about when the crew of a British vessel was sailing home with the Union Jack at half-mast in honor of their dead captain.
Over time the difference between U.S. and the British tradition is that the U.K. does Not fly a flag of mourning halfway down the pole. Instead, they fly it exactly one flag’s-width below its normal position. Reason being, to make room for another flag at the top of the pole.
There have been 27 “official versions” of the flag but there have actually been a total of 39 versions of the Stars configuration.
Remember the 15 Star version? It was the symbol that inspired our “The Star Spangled Banner”.
The flag that flew at Ft. McHenry during the War of 1812, immortalized in Francis Scott Key’s tune, is one of the few remaining specimens of a 15-star, 15-bar flag.
What’s left of it is on permanent display at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.
That 1812 flag is not fully displayed…sadly a 2×5-ft section was sold back in the 1800s…
…In 2011, that section of the flag sold at auction for $38,000.
The vertical stripes of alternating red and white were, at some point, rotated so that they would lie horizontally. Commonly referred to as the “Rebel Stripes”, these colors were flown on naval vessels well into the 1790s.
Flag Day’s final design can be attributed to an American Indian?
Yes, there was debate about adding stripes for each State but the time-line was pushed-up after the following event…
Yes, there was debate about adding stripes for each State but the time-line was pushed-up after the following event…
An American Indian named Thomas Green wanted the protection of an official flag while traveling through treacherous territory to Philadelphia. Thomas asked for help from Congress.
“His Excell’y the President laid before the Council three Strings of Wampum, which had been delivered to him from time before by Thomas Green, a Nominal Indian of the —–Nation, requesting that a Flag of the United States might be delivered to him, to take to the Chiefs of his Nation, to be used by them for their security & protection, when they may have occasion to visit us…”
Within 10 days, a resolution was passed, finalizing the flag as a creation with 13 stars and 13 stripes. The date: June 14th, 1777.
Let’s end with this one.
It is from a beach…I hope our children learn the history of America’s greatest symbol. -Rick
It is from a beach…I hope our children learn the history of America’s greatest symbol. -Rick
High-Res American flag FACTs because “I was BOOORN in the U.S.A.” (50 Photos)
Reviewed by Your Destination
April 24, 2020