Moment Asda shopper is tackled to the ground by staff after 'coughing on them saying he had coronavirus'

A male shopper was wrestled to the floor outside a supermarket in Kent after allegedly coughing on staff and saying he had coronavirus.
Police were called to the Asda Superstore in Greenhithe, Kent, on Tuesday April 7.
The man was arrested on suspicion of assault and racially aggravated public order.
In the video a man with a green top is heard yelling before being wrestled to the ground by a man in a red top
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Staff grappled a man to the floor outside the Asda Superstore in Greenhithe, Kent
The male shopper allegedly coughed and spat at the staff who were holding him down
A male shopper is wrestled to the floor (left) at the Asda Superstore, Greenhithe, Kent, after he allegedly coughed on staff and said he had coronavirus. More staff help restrain the man (right) when he is on the floor
Once the man is on the floor members of staff are seen to help restrain him.
The man is heard yelling: 'Allow it. Leave me alone, you're breaking my hand!'
It is alleged that the man spat and coughed at those who were restraining him during the incident.
Kent Police said: 'Kent Police was called to a report of a disturbance at Asda supermarket in Crossways Boulevard, Greenhithe, at around 6.10pm on Tuesday April 7 2020.
The man, who has been released on bail until May 7, was heard yelling at staff who restrained him until police could arrive
The man, who has been released on bail until May 7, was heard yelling at staff who restrained him until police could arrive
'Officers attended where a 32-year-old man of no fixed address was arrested on suspicion of two assaults and racially aggravated public order.
'The man has been bailed until 7 May 2020.'
Witness Paul Killick said the man was 'coughing and spitting on staff after he was taken down to the ground and telling them he has coronavirus.'
Moment Asda shopper is tackled to the ground by staff after 'coughing on them saying he had coronavirus' Moment Asda shopper is tackled to the ground by staff after 'coughing on them saying he had coronavirus' Reviewed by Your Destination on April 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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