NHS nurse's 'idiot' neighbour leaves note on her car calling her 'selfish' for using her car every day for 'unessential' journeys - because she goes to work in normal clothes

An NHS nurse has been left stunned after being told by a neighbour she was 'selfish' and 'part of the problem' for driving to work every day during the coronavirus lockdown.
Sam Halms, who works at the Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Foundation Trust, was shocked to discover a nasty note on her vehicle, which said she had been reported.
The hand-written message said she had been seen using her car to travel every day, and suggested that her journeys were 'clearly unessential' because she was not wearing uniform. 
Sam Halms, pictured, was left shocked after a nasty note was left on her car
The hand-written message, pictured, told her she was 'part of the problem'
Sam Halms, pictured left, was shocked after finding a nasty note, pictured right, on her car in which she was told she was 'part of the problem' and had been reported for making 'clearly unessential' journeys

After finding the piece of paper, Sam took to Facebook to respond, and has since received thousands of comments of support.
She wrote: 'I don’t usually post much personal stuff on social media but I’m hoping that sharing this on here will reach the idiot that left me this note on my car. Most importantly...I work for the NHS.'
The nurse said she has been 'supporting our country' by going to work every day for years and urged her neighbour to approach her and ask what she was doing rather than 'spending your days watching me'.
Sam added: 'Why on earth would I wear my uniform to and from work at this current time? Equally not all NHS staff have to wear uniform - food for thought.
'If this has reached you, hopefully now you feel like a complete fool and that you should think twice before sticking your nose into other people’s business.' 
Sam responded to seeing the note with a powerful post of her own on social media, pictured, in which she branded the neighbour an 'idiot'
Sam responded to seeing the note with a powerful post of her own on social media, pictured, in which she branded the neighbour an 'idiot'
NHS nurse's 'idiot' neighbour leaves note on her car calling her 'selfish' for using her car every day for 'unessential' journeys - because she goes to work in normal clothes NHS nurse's 'idiot' neighbour leaves note on her car calling her 'selfish' for using her car every day for 'unessential' journeys - because she goes to work in normal clothes Reviewed by Your Destination on April 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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