Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is physically impossible: Doctor explains viruses CANNOT travel on radio waves and can only enter the body at specific points (3 Pics)

A doctor has comprehensively explained why the conspiracy theory that suggests 5G causes coronavirus is physically impossible.
NHS GP Gero Baiarda said he decided to speak out after watching videos of arson attacks against 5G masts on social media. 
Dr Baiarda, from the GP Delivered Quickly service, explained that 5G does not weaken the immune system and that viruses cannot travel by radio wave and only enter the body at specific points.
Coronavirus is passed between individuals either by direct human contact or by picking it up on hands and passing it to the eyes or mouth. 

He backed the official advice to practise social distancing and self-isolation to avoid COVID-19 - and wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, even while in lockdown at home.

The conspiracy theory that suggests 5G causes the coronavirus is physically impossible, a doctor from the GP Delivered Quickly service has declared
The conspiracy theory that suggests 5G causes the coronavirus is physically impossible, a doctor from the GP Delivered Quickly service has declared
Dr Baiarda dismissed claims that 5G signals act to weaken the human immune system, saying: '5G radio waves carry too little energy to cause harm. 
'There have been many research studies that demonstrate this beyond all doubt.
'The wavelengths emitted from your microwave oven are more powerful than 5G – both are perfectly safe.'
'5G occupies the same wavelengths as those previously used by analogue TV,' Dr Baiarda continued.
'The reason that you can no longer access the analogue television signal is because it was phased out to make way for new 5G mobile phone technology.
'Therefore, claiming that 5G waves will weaken your immune system to the point that you are defenceless against COVID-19 is like saying that the old-fashioned TV signals caused pandemics. 
'We lived with them for more than 70 years — and they clearly did not.'
Those whose health has been most adversely affected by COVID-19 have been those with existing health conditions or the elderly — both of whom can be expected to have weaker immune systems.
Dr Baiarda explained that the notion that viruses can travel on 5G radio waves is also not realistic.
'To enter the human body, the virus needs to be absorbed by receptors in the mucous membranes predominantly found in our eyes, noses and mouths, he said, adding that there are also receptors deep in the lungs.
'Therefore, for the 5G theory to be true, the virus would have to somehow hitch a ride on these very specific low-frequency wavelengths, which is impossible, before making their way like guided missiles into your eyes, nose or mouth.'
In contrast, the reason that social distancing is so effective is because the coronavirus has no way to move on its own — and is only propelled around two metres by coughing and sneezing.
'All viruses — including the SARS-Cov-2 virus that causes COVID-19 — decay relatively rapidly if they do not find a host,' Dr Baiarda added.
'It is not possible for them to be transferred by 5G over even short distances, let alone over cities, lakes and rivers, through walls and into you.'
Furthermore, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection published findings earlier this year that there is no evidence of any link between the wavelengths used by mobile networks and cancer or any other illness. 
NHS GP Gero Baiarda explained that 5G does not weaken the immune system and that viruses cannot travel by radio wave and only enter the body at specific points
NHS GP Gero Baiarda explained that 5G does not weaken the immune system and that viruses cannot travel by radio wave and only enter the body at specific points
Dr Baiarda also addressed the myth that 5G masts are killing off birds along with other small animals. 
'If birds are seen to be impacted by 5G masts, the reason is because that even very weak electromagnetic fields produced by equipment plugged into mains electricity and AM radio signals interfere with the animals' "internal compass",' he said
Previous research into how weak electromagnetic fields affect the behaviour of robins, for example, has shown that they do lose sense of direction when  exposed to electromagnetic 'noise' between 50 kHz and 5 MHz.
However, this effect only lasts until the field is blocked out — and has no permanent effects on the robin's health.


The evolution of the G system started in 1980 with the invention of the mobile phone which allowed for analogue data to be transmitted via phone calls.   
Digital came into play in 1991 with 2G and SMS and MMS capabilities were launched. 
Since then, the capabilities and carrying capacity for the mobile network has increased massively. 
More data can be transferred from one point to another via the mobile network quicker than ever.
5G is expected to be 100 times faster than the currently used 4G. 
Whilst the jump from 3G to 4G was most beneficial for mobile browsing and working, the step to 5G will be so fast they become almost real-time. 
That means mobile operations will be just as fast as office-based internet connections.

Potential uses for 5g include: 
  • Simultaneous translation of several languages in a party conference call 
  • Self-driving cars can stream movies, music and navigation information from the cloud
  • A full length 8GB film can be downloaded in six seconds. 
5G is expected to be so quick and efficient it is possible it could start the end of wired connections.  
By the end of 2020, industry estimates claim 50 billion devices will be connected to 5G.
The evolution of from 1G to 5G. The predicted speed of 5G is more than 1Gbps - 1,000 times greater than the existing speed of 4G and could be implemented in laptops of the future 
The evolution of from 1G to 5G. The predicted speed of 5G is more than 1Gbps - 1,000 times greater than the existing speed of 4G and could be implemented in laptops of the future 
Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is physically impossible: Doctor explains viruses CANNOT travel on radio waves and can only enter the body at specific points (3 Pics) Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is physically impossible: Doctor explains viruses CANNOT travel on radio waves and can only enter the body at specific points (3 Pics) Reviewed by Your Destination on April 10, 2020 Rating: 5