VIDEO: Unhinged Lunatic PEPPER SPRAYS Couple for Not Wearing Masks at California Dog Park

An unhinged lunatic has taken mask policing to a new level, pepper spraying a couple who was having lunch with their puppy at the dog park because they were not wearing masks.

The shocking incident at Dusty Rhodes dog park in San Diego was captured on camera.
The victims, Ash O’Brien and her husband Jarett Kelley, had taken their masks off to eat their lunch.
“This is my husband getting maced by a random old lady. We had our 3 month old pug with us. We were just sitting down eating lunch and minding our own business. We were not wearing masks because we were eating. You can’t wear a mask and eat at the same time,” O’Brien wrote in a Facebook post along with video of the incident.
The woman berated the couple before unloading the entire can on Kelley.
“She kept calling us idiots and flipping me off. Then she started saying more stuff and I told her to leave the park and stop harassing us. She then came right up to our table wear we were eating, pointed the mace at me first and got a little on me, and then my husband stepped in and took the entire can. Thank god for the bystander that took this video because we are going to the police now to press charges. I am sharing this because people need to watch out for this lady in San Diego. Please share to spread awareness,” the post continued. “That is me crying hysterically in the background because my innocent husband just got maced for no reason. We want justice.”
In California, masks are required in public at nearly all times, but you are allowed to remove them while eating.

O’Brien has said that she would like to see the woman go to jail, but it is unclear if an arrest has been made.

VIDEO: Unhinged Lunatic PEPPER SPRAYS Couple for Not Wearing Masks at California Dog Park VIDEO: Unhinged Lunatic PEPPER SPRAYS Couple for Not Wearing Masks at California Dog Park Reviewed by Your Destination on July 27, 2020 Rating: 5