Actress and activist Rose McGowan shreds Democratic Party for being 'monsters' and 'frauds': 'Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf***ers'

Actress and activist Rose McGowan has hit out at the Democratic Party for its apparent failure to serve the American people.


McGowan made her feelings on the Democratic Party clear in a blistering tweet accusing the party — which this week officially nominated former Vice President Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate — of turning against the oppressed voices to whom they endlessly pander and for which they claim to advocate.

What are the details?

In a viral tweet Thursday night after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, the award-winning actress and best-selling author wrote, "What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf***ers."

Image source: Twitter screenshot

It was only just starting there

Just before the viral tweet, McGowan wrote, "You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie."

Naturally, many of McGowan's fellow social media users tried to bury her over the sentiment — which many would consider to be quite unpopular among liberals and leftists — but she wasn't standing down.
One user responded to McGowan and others, "He was not my pic [sic] in the Special Election but there are only 2 candidates now. Anyone not voting for Biden adds another vote in Trump's favor. I won't do that. I'm voting for Biden. America can't afford another 4 years of Trump."
The user later added, "If you don't vote for Biden you are knowingly helping Trump."
True to form, the woman who was instrumental in bringing down embattled film mogul and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein, fired back, "I don't vote for rapists, unlike you."

Actress and activist Rose McGowan shreds Democratic Party for being 'monsters' and 'frauds': 'Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf***ers' Actress and activist Rose McGowan shreds Democratic Party for being 'monsters' and 'frauds': 'Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf***ers' Reviewed by Your Destination on August 22, 2020 Rating: 5