Disgusting and Unsanitary Roadside ‘BLM Ribs’ in Downtown Portland Allowed by Officials While Clean Restaurants Forced to Shut Down (VIDEO)

A disgusting and unsanitary makeshift rib joint was erected in downtown Portland.
Unsanitary practices and cooking environments are being allowed by local officials while clean restaurants are closed down due to ‘Coronavirus concerns.’
The video of the ‘BLM rib joint’ shows buckets full of cooking utensils in dirty liquids and dirty cutting boards.
But restaurant owners who abide by strict controls are going out of business after being shut down by Democrat tyrants.
Disgusting and Unsanitary Roadside ‘BLM Ribs’ in Downtown Portland Allowed by Officials While Clean Restaurants Forced to Shut Down (VIDEO)
Reviewed by Your Destination
August 03, 2020