Minority Woman Blasts Race-Baiting Leftists: I'm not Black, 'I'm an American'

Two African-American women attending a #WalkAway rally in the liberal enclave of Beverly Hills over the weekend made it perfectly clear that they do not buy into the leftist narrative that paints all minorities as victims whose race requires them to support the Democratic Party.
Their passionate commentary caught the leftists they were conversing with completely off-guard.
In the first video, an African-American woman was asked if she was black. When she responded with a “no,” the person she was talking to, not visible on-screen, asked “What are you then?” 
“It doesn’t matter if I am, I’m American,” the woman replied. “Red, white, and blue, baby.”
She added that “you don’t know if I’m Puerto Rican, you don’t know if I’m Egyptian, you don’t know if I’m Ethiopian, you don’t know what I am and it doesn’t f***ing matter.” 
“I’m American,” she reiterated. “I’m fighting for this country, my parents are veterans.”
After sharing a bit more of her personal story, the woman proclaimed “This is my f***ing country. Get the f*** out of here with your white liberal bullsh**.” 
WARNING: The following videos contain graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.
Strong language aside, the woman has a very good point.  In order for a country as diverse as the United States to survive and thrive, its citizens must view themselves as Americans first and foremost, rather than as members of a particular tribe.
According to KTTV, about 400 participants turned out for Saturday’s “Rescue America” rally staged by the #WalkAway group, which encourages moderate liberals to leave a Democratic Party that is becoming increasingly dominated by far left interests.
Additional video footage from the rally documents an exchange between activist Shemeka Michelle and what a Twitter captioner described as a “Basic BLM white beta.” In her conversation with a Black Lives Matter protester, Shemeka Michelle had some harsh yet true words for the movement that he supports.
“I don’t need your privilege to tell me or justify who I am in America,” she said. “My ancestors built this country so I’m going to walk around here as bold as I want to.”
“I don’t have to have you co-sign and tell me my life matters,” she informed the protester. “That right there insinuates that you think your voice is bigger and better than mine.”
While the BLM protester pushed back on the premise of her comments, she continued to rip into Black Lives Matter and its narrative.
“You are supporting an organization that does not like black men,” she proclaimed. “As a black woman, I can tell you how important black men are to the black family. Without them, we are nothing. So, when you support an organization that doesn’t push them up the way we need them to be, you ain’t sh**.”
Shemeka Michelle is right. On its website, the Black Lives Matter movement openly calls for replacing the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” with “extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another.”
As she pointed out, a desire to abolish the nuclear family is not the only position of the BLM movement that calls into question its sincerity. The carnage of legalized abortion among black women raises the question of how much “black lives” really matter to the left.
“We kill more black babies than are born every year,” she explained. “You say ‘black lives matter.’ What about black lives in the womb?” She repeatedly asked him if “they don’t matter.” For the most part, his responses to her questions were inaudible.
The #WalkAway movement first began two years ago when former liberal Brandon Straka put together a video trashing the modern Democratic Party and urging others to follow his lead and “Walk Away” from the party.
Conservative activist Candace Owens co-founded the #Blexit movement designed specifically to convince African-Americans to abandon the Democratic Party.
To some degree, the movements appear to have achieved a level of success. Last month, Leo Terrell, a lifelong Democrat and civil rights attorney who routinely trashed President Donald Trump on Fox News up until recently, announced that he would vote Republican for the first time ever in the upcoming presidential election.
The Democrats, who often ride enormous African-American support to electoral victories, are threatened by independent thinkers like Terrell and the attendees of the #WalkAway rally in Beverly Hills. In an effort to keep black voters in the Democratic column, the party’s leaders resort to fear-mongering and demagoguery.
For instance, referring to black voters, former Vice President Joe Biden told nationally syndicated radio host Charlamagne tha God that in May “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
In the time since Biden made those remarks, entertainer Kanye West has launched a longshot presidential bid based on the premise that it “is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all black people need to be Democrat.”
Based on the attendance at the #WalkAway rally in Beverly Hills, it looks like a lot of people agree with West.
Come November, Democrats might find out just how many — and regret it.
Minority Woman Blasts Race-Baiting Leftists: I'm not Black, 'I'm an American' Minority Woman Blasts Race-Baiting Leftists: I'm not Black, 'I'm an American' Reviewed by Your Destination on August 13, 2020 Rating: 5