This Restaurant Is Winning The Funny Sign Game (90 Pics)
A restaurant in Texas has made itself a household name by putting up hilarious signs again and again, day after day, year after year. The Austin-based establishment named El Arroyo has had its sign board since its opening in 1975, and 45 years later, it’s still out there cracking everyone up.
Paige Winstanley, co-owner of the restaurant, says about their signs: “In these times when much is unknown, El Arroyo finds comfort in bringing smiles and laughter to our community on a daily basis.” With 284K Instagram followers, the restaurant is surely doing everyone who’s rolling through 2020 one heck of a service.
That’s precisely what happened back in 2005 when one of El Arroyo’s signs revealed a plot twist in the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. But the employees of the restaurant aren’t afraid to fire up some controversy with their quips like “NFL Slogan: Why have integrity when you can have ratings?”
Austin Monthly magazine has also suggested that their sometimes bold remarks were the reason why someone tried to burn the restaurant down in 1998.
Maybe not quite a big one, since these days, most sign puns are submitted by fans online and you can try your luck and wit too!
This Restaurant Is Winning The Funny Sign Game (90 Pics)
Reviewed by Your Destination
August 04, 2020
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