Leftist Wearing Trump Mask at Philly Protest Stands in Front of Trump Supporters and Runs American Flag Through the Inside of Her Underwear (VIDEO)

This is horrific.
Nothing is too low for the left.
Biden supporters hate freedom and they hate the American flag.
A leftist wearing a Trump mask at a Philly protest stood in front of Trump supporters and ran the American flag through the inside of her underwear.
WATCH: (Via Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott):
Anti and pro-Trump protests began in Philly Tuesday evening.
The protesters are not allowed into the park, one officer said.
Tons of police surveying the scene.
Officers attempt to separate the two groups:

Leftist Wearing Trump Mask at Philly Protest Stands in Front of Trump Supporters and Runs American Flag Through the Inside of Her Underwear (VIDEO) Leftist Wearing Trump Mask at Philly Protest Stands in Front of Trump Supporters and Runs American Flag Through the Inside of Her Underwear (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5