SPEECHLESS: Racist Group Releases Stripper and Pole Dancer PSA to Urge Blacks to Vote for Democrats — Cuz Liberals Think Blacks Only Want Stripper Ads
Racist much?
Here is the latest ad by a liberal group that displays what Democrats REALLY think of black voters.
They only think of strippers, pole dancing and big butts.
A new far left group released this video to encourage blacks to vote for Joe Biden.
This is a new low for the American left.
The video ad includes only Atlanta strippers and poll dancers.
Warning on Content:
The video was released by GetYourBootyToThePoll.com
The group describes itself as:
In the middle of the pandemic, while many of us were out of work- we decided that we wanted to help influence the election! Angela, our fearless director, thought it would be a great idea to have exotic dancers from some of Atlanta’s finest gentlemen’s clubs to tell their patrons and fans to ‘Get their booties to the poll!’
Angela teamed up with Paul Fox, a prop master-turned-producer based out of Atlanta- and it was on. The pair recruited a slew of talented filmmakers and dancers, started a GoFundMe called ‘Angela and Paul want black people to vote’, and filmed their message in one day at the end of July, all while fearing the second wave of COVID-19.
The entire crew was made up of volunteers who were dedicated to the message and idea of increasing the voter turn-out amongst the black male demographic. We hope that our passionate message becomes your reality when you take your booty to the poll and vote this election cycle.
Director – Angela Gomes
Producer – Paul Fox