“They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

The election comes down to this…

Victor Davis Hanson was on with the Hon John Anderson AO, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, to discuss the upcoming 2020 election.  The interview was excellent throughout but the key points were made by Hanson at the end of the interview when talking about the upcoming election at the 9:35 mark:
We are going to wait and see what happens in November to finish and there’s three or four things that we don’t know what’s going to happen.  Either the virus is going to wane.  If it wanes by November, Trump will be elected.  If the lockdown stops and the economy starts to show real signs of recovery, he’ll win.
If Joe Biden gets out on the trail and seems to be cognitively impaired in some way, Trump will win.  And if Trump has a greater degree of discipline in his expressions he’ll win.  If that does not happen, he’ll lose.
So it’s, we’re all waiting to see which of those four or five factors will play out and how they will play out.  But they’re on everybody’s mind and they govern every policy decision, every editorial, interpretation of them.
Unfortunately, everything is weaponized in this country.  I’ve never seen anything like it. I grew up in the 60’s and even that was not like this.  It’s scary.
But civilization, I really believe is on the brink because if these forces come to full power, they’re going to be taking names and they’re not going to want a union of thought.  They’re not gonna want, they’re not gonna be gracious about their victory.  They’re not going to want unity and healing.  They’re gonna want to hunt out and eradicate their opponents.  That’s what cultural revolutions always do.  They’ll do it again.

Victor Davis Hanson is right:
God save our union and civilization.
“They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO) “They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on September 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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