BREAKING: FOX NEWS Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany Briefing on Election Fraud — Neil Cavuto Says Network ‘Can’t Verify Her Claims’ So They Will Not Air


Fox News has cut away from a press conference held by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, claiming that the network cannot continue to air her “false claims” in “good conscience.”

The media is blatantly trying to rig the election by trying to hide information from voters.


BREAKING: FOX NEWS Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany Briefing on Election Fraud — Neil Cavuto Says Network ‘Can’t Verify Her Claims’ So They Will Not Air BREAKING: FOX NEWS Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany Briefing on Election Fraud — Neil Cavuto Says Network ‘Can’t Verify Her Claims’ So They Will Not Air Reviewed by Your Destination on November 10, 2020 Rating: 5