Despite Numerous FOIA Requests for Relevant Information, the NSA Is Withholding Government Documents Related to the Life and Death of Seth Rich


The National Security Agency (NSA) is reportedly holding records on Seth Rich that are at the highest level of classification.  What on earth could cause these records to be so highly classified?

Attorney Ty Clevenger reported today on the country’s continued efforts to prevent information regarding Seth Rich from being released:

The National Security Agency is hiding records about murdered Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich, according to one of my sources, who informed me yesterday that the records are classified as a special access program (the highest level of classification) because they include intercepted communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Meanwhile, I’ve been authorized to release the transcript of a July 15, 2020 deposition of Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Sy Hersh, wherein Mr. Hersh is forced to admit that he did speak with a senior intelligence official about an FBI report about Mr. Rich and Wikileaks. That contradicts much of what Mr. Hersh has said publicly since early 2017 (more on that below).

As my regular readers know, Mr. Rich was murdered in Washington, D.C. on July 10, 2016, and shortly thereafter Wikileaks published thousands of DNC emails that were very embarrassing to then-Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. On August 9, 2016, Mr. Assange intimated that the DNC emails were obtained from Mr. Rich, not Russian hackers.

If you doubt my source, recall that three weeks ago — after three years of denials — the FBI was finally forced to admit that it had thousands of records about Mr. Rich, as well as his laptop. Meanwhile, virtually no one in official Washington has lifted a finger to help.

After years of doggedly requesting documents from the US government regarding the death of Seth Rich, earlier this month the government decided to release thousands of documents they previously denied were in existence.

Of course there are more documents.  How did  our government get so damned corrupt?

Despite Numerous FOIA Requests for Relevant Information, the NSA Is Withholding Government Documents Related to the Life and Death of Seth Rich Despite Numerous FOIA Requests for Relevant Information, the NSA Is Withholding Government Documents Related to the Life and Death of Seth Rich Reviewed by Your Destination on December 31, 2020 Rating: 5