Crowd Goes Wild as President Trump Drives Past in Motorcade at Rally in West Palm Beach on President’s Day (VIDEO)


Trump supporters are holding a huge President’s Day celebration in West Palm Beach, Florida today for President Trump.

There are no celebrations for Joe Biden today but we’re expected to believe dementia Joe got 81 million votes.

President Trump surprised the Florida rally goers on Monday and the crowd went wild!


President Trump loves the American people and enjoys connecting with his supporters.

In contrast, Joe Biden has contempt for the American voter and hid from the public the entire 2020 election and beyond.

Biden spent all weekend playing video games at Camp David and used ‘bad weather’ as an excuse to hide from the press until tomorrow.

While Trump is out with the people, Biden is disconnected from a country that supposedly was so enamored with him that they elected him in a historical landslide.

Crowd Goes Wild as President Trump Drives Past in Motorcade at Rally in West Palm Beach on President’s Day (VIDEO) Crowd Goes Wild as President Trump Drives Past in Motorcade at Rally in West Palm Beach on President’s Day (VIDEO) Reviewed by Your Destination on February 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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