Bowling Green State University student, 20, is in critical condition after 'downing 40 SHOTS in Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity pledge hazing ritual'

 A sophomore at Bowling Green State University was left in critical condition after he took 40 shots in an alleged hazing incident as a Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity pledge. 

According to a statement from the university, Stone Foltz, 20, was hospitalized after an 'alleged hazing activity involving alcohol consumption' at a Pi Kappa Alpha event in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Officials said the event occurred off-campus last Thursday. Foltz was rushed to the ProMedica Toledo Hospital where he remains in critical condition as his family works the process of donating his organs, the family's lawyer, Sean Alto, told ABC News.

Foltz's mother shared a statement on social media after the fraternity released their own statement claiming the young man had died. 

'Please have respect, be considerate and passionate. Please don't post comments on details of what you heard. Stone is still with us for the time as we go thru the process to donate his organs. Hug your children and tell them everyday how much you love them,' she wrote. 

Stone Foltz
Stone Foltz

Bowling Green State University student Stone Foltz (left and right), 20, was hospitalized after an 'alleged hazing activity involving alcohol consumption' at a Pi Kappa Alpha event in Bowling Green, Ohio

University officials said the event occurred off-campus last Thursday. Foltz was rushed to the ProMedica Toledo Hospital where he remains in critical condition as his family works the process of donating his organs

University officials said the event occurred off-campus last Thursday. Foltz was rushed to the ProMedica Toledo Hospital where he remains in critical condition as his family works the process of donating his organs

The international fraternity then reissued a statement saying: 'A student and unreported new member of the Delta Beta Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in Bowling Green, Ohio, was involved in an alleged incident of alcohol-related hazing at an off-campus event. 

Fraternity officials said they are 'horrified and outraged by this incident'. 

'The Fraternity has a zero-tolerance policy toward illegal activity, substance abuse, bullying, and hazing of any kind. Let us reiterate in the strongest terms: We refuse to defend or condone any behavior that creates dangerous environments or situations for our members or the larger campus community at any of our 200+ chapters in the United States and abroad.'

Officials said the Delta Beta Chapter has been placed on 'administrative suspension and advised its leaders to cooperate fully with University administration and local law enforcement'.

'As more details are confirmed, we will also pursue permanent suspension of Delta Beta Chapter as well as expulsion of all chapter members from the International Fraternity,' the statement reads. 

In addition, the fraternity said it will be cooperating fully with authorities as the incident is investigated and will 'consider every possible course of action to hold the chapter and individual members accountable to the fullest extent in accordance with the International Fraternity Constitution and Codes'. 

Foltz's roommate also said he overheard Foltz (right) saying: 'We have to drink a handle of any alcohol that our big gives us. We have to finish the whole thing in the time we're there before we leave.' A handle of alcohol, or a bottle, equates to about 40 shots

Foltz's roommate also said he overheard Foltz (right) saying: 'We have to drink a handle of any alcohol that our big gives us. We have to finish the whole thing in the time we're there before we leave.' A handle of alcohol, or a bottle, equates to about 40 shots

Alto told WTOL that Foltz was dropped off between 11-11.30pm at his apartment Thursday night. 

'Shortly thereafter, Stone's roommates or friends found him, who then called 911,' Alto said. 

'He was in need of immediate transport to the hospital. And he was (flown) to the hospital where he's at now.' 

A student, who is Foltz's roommate, also told the station that he overheard his roommate saying: 'We have to drink a handle of any alcohol that our big gives us. We have to finish the whole thing in the time we're there before we leave.'

A handle of alcohol, or a bottle, equates to about 40 shots. 

'I've never seen my roommate more drunk in his entire life. He immediately went to the bathroom and was throwing up in the toilet for just 15 minutes to an hour and making himself vomit,' the student, who wished to remain anonymous, told WTOL. 

Bowling Green State University officials also released a statement on their Facebook page, saying that they've 'placed Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity on interim suspension for alleged hazing activity'. 

'We are working with local law enforcement, who are actively taking the lead in investigating this unfolding situation.

'This tragic incident has certainly impacted our students and community. BGSU is committed to not just the student conduct and law enforcement investigations, but a full inquiry into each Greek chapter’s prevention and compliance responsibilities under University policies prohibiting hazing. These University processes and policies have been established to set high expectations and standards and to enforce compliance and ensure the safety of all students,' the statement reads. 

University officials also said they began to meet with student leaders 'to decide the short- and long-term future of fraternity and sorority life at BGSU'. 

Bowling Green State University student, 20, is in critical condition after 'downing 40 SHOTS in Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity pledge hazing ritual' Bowling Green State University student, 20, is in critical condition after 'downing 40 SHOTS in Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity pledge hazing ritual' Reviewed by Your Destination on March 08, 2021 Rating: 5