CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode


The liberal fake news media oversold the January 6th protest and “riot” at the US Capitol was a terrorist attack, an armed insurgency, a pre-planned plot to take over the US Capitol.

It was all a lie.

** The protesters were not armed.
** There were NO GUNS confiscated from protesters in the US Capitol.
** The only shooting was by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant.
** There was NO PLOT to take over the US Capitol by Trump supporters.
** President Trump called for a peaceful protest.
** The Oath Keepers did not plan an armed insurgency.
** Total damages of possibly $100,000 to $1,000,000 were dwarfed by the $2 BILLION in damages from the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots.
** Hundreds of protesters were waved into the US Capitol by police.

Now federal prosecutors are in a bind.
The case they promised is collapsing.

On Friday prosecutors asked for 60 more days to invent a case against the protesters.
They got nothing.

Via Axios:

Federal prosecutors submitted a filing Friday morning requesting a 60-day delay in a series of cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the massive undertaking as “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

The big picture: More than 300 suspects have been charged in connection with the attack, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has described as “domestic terrorism.”

  • In addition to individual crimes like assault, trespassing and destruction of government property, federal prosecutors are investigating “conspiratorial activity” that began before Jan. 6.
  • The Justice Department expects that at least 100 more individuals will be charged, according to the filing.

By the numbers: A total of more than 900 search warrants have been executed in nearly every state and Washington, D.C. Documents and evidence compiled by investigators across dozens of federal and local law enforcement agencies include:

  • More than 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage from the day of the attack.
  • Approximately 1,600 electronic devices and the results of hundreds of searches of electronic communications providers.
  • Over 210,000 tips, “of which a substantial portion include video, photo and social media.”
  • Over 80,000 reports and 93,000 attachments related to interviews of suspects and witnesses.


CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode Reviewed by Your Destination on March 14, 2021 Rating: 5