One in ten coronavirus survivors suffer 'long Covid' symptoms such as fatigue three months after beating the illness, government-funded review claims

 One in 10 coronavirus patients suffer lingering symptoms months after the initial infection, a Government-funded report has found. 

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) analysed more than 300 scientific papers from around the world as part of its second review into 'Long Covid'.

It found around 10 per cent of survivors continue to suffer from symptoms at least three months after clearing the disease. 

The most common issue was fatigue, followed by breathlessness and 'brain fog', but more serious symptoms included organ damage, anxiety and depression.

The review found the more severe the initial illness was, the more likely patients were to suffer from Long Covid. For example, 60 to 90 per cent of people who were hospitalised with Covid experienced lingering symptoms two months later. 

But the NIHR said a 'lack of consistency around the definition and measurement of Long Covid' makes it difficult to pin down exactly what the condition is.

It added: 'The review finds that there is a considerable variation in the range of symptoms that have been considered Long Covid by researchers. 

'Used as an umbrella term, Long Covid may cover conditions which may have different causes.'

The NIHR said it believes Long Covid may include up to four different syndromes, with different underlying causes and treatment needs.

One in 10 coronavirus patients suffer lingering symptoms months after the initial infection, a Government-funded report has found (stock image)

One in 10 coronavirus patients suffer lingering symptoms months after the initial infection, a Government-funded report has found (stock image)

A separate paper submitted to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) last month found more than 90 per cent of people continue to suffer symptoms at least three months after being hospitalised with Covid

A separate paper submitted to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) last month found more than 90 per cent of people continue to suffer symptoms at least three months after being hospitalised with Covid

They include post-ICU syndrome, health problems that remain after critical illness, long-term organ damage and post-viral syndrome, a sense of tiredness and weakness that lingers after the body fights a nasty infection.

The NIHR said there was some evidence to  that Long Covid might be an active disease, with continued inflammatory responses, lingering viral activity or blood clotting disorders.  

Dr Elaine Maxwell, review author and content lead at the NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination said: 'While this review goes some way to improving our understanding of different patterns of the disease, we need to know more about the prevalence of each and their causes. We also need more data on how long symptoms last.

'It appears that at least 10 per cent of people are experiencing at least one Long Covid symptom three months after diagnosis, but limitations in the way data is collected means this may not be a comprehensive reflection and we may see estimates increase'. 

Candace Imison, Associate Director of Evidence and Dissemination at the NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination (CED) added: 'Like so much else relating to Covid-19, 'Long Covid' has quickly become part of our everyday language, yet so much about it is unknown - though research commissioned by NIHR and others is urgently being done to find out more.

'This second review takes us on from our first by focusing on a wide range of emerging evidence that simply didn't exist even six months ago. Together with findings from our short survey for people living with Long Covid, it provides a unique insight into the current state of play.

'Through our themed reviews, we aim to act as knowledge brokers, working collaboratively with the public and experts to improve health and social care and inform policy and future research priorities. We hope this review will also be helpful for professionals, who are increasingly coming into contact with people with Long Covid, and for people experiencing enduring symptoms from Covid-19 as well as their families or employers.'

One in ten coronavirus survivors suffer 'long Covid' symptoms such as fatigue three months after beating the illness, government-funded review claims One in ten coronavirus survivors suffer 'long Covid' symptoms such as fatigue three months after beating the illness, government-funded review claims Reviewed by Your Destination on March 16, 2021 Rating: 5