Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials


It was not a pretty sight as the locals near Bagram Air Base looted the area seeing that the Americans had left. 

Daily Mail reports:

Dozens of looters have moved onto the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan just hours after the final group of American troops vacated the base – without telling local officials.

Bagram, located 30 miles north of Kabul, was the strategic hub for the US war in Afghanistan, which is poised to come to an end in the coming months after President Biden vowed to have every American soldier out of the country by September 11.

 The US war in Afghanistan began 20 years ago, and is America’s longest running conflict. It has killed 2,312 US troops and cost the military an eyewatering $816 billion.

President Trump wanted to get American troops home and now they finally are coming home.

The Pentagon has said that US troops will be out of Afghanistan by the end of August, some time ahead of President Joe Biden’s deadline, the Associated Press reported.

Biden had pledged in April to withdraw US troops by September 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

However, the AP reported on Saturday, citing officials, that that the military drawdown was already mostly complete, with some logistical issues to be wrapped up in the next few weeks.

The Department of Defense did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

The goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan became soon unknown.  While politicians like Biden/Obama kept throwing money into these wars American lives continued to be lost. 

Now after 20 years American troops are finally coming home.  

Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials Reviewed by Your Destination on July 04, 2021 Rating: 5