RNC Backs 2020 Election Fraud and Steal Then Thinks Americans Will Support Them in Future – Not A Chance


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

The RNC held the greatest convention in history in 2020.  For anyone who heard the moving speeches, they could not help but be moved from some of the stories.  Who could listen to the parents of Kayla Mueller and not cry and know that President Trump was doing all he could for Americans everywhere?

It was clear from their story that the Obama/Biden Administration refused to help them.  They never heard from Biden at all.  Obama/Biden cared more about the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay than their daughter.

Americans heard the Mueller’s story and knew they finally had a President who cared for them.

Americans showed up at Trump rallies in the thousands.  By Election Day President Trump had 1.1 million attendees at his rallies to a little less than 2,000 for Biden.

Americans were behind President Trump and it showed.  The President held rally after rally like a machine and Americans turned up in droves.  Biden and Harris did the opposite.  In Arizona, only a few weeks before the election no one showed at their event.  The local newscaster was shocked.

Then came the election and the nightmare production at FOX News.  They assigned Never Trump mouthpieces to lead the discourse of the evening, bashing Trump hour after hour.  A case study could be produced for how to lose half of your audience, because that what FOX did.  Millions of Americans vowed never to watch that channel again and haven’t.

The results came in and states like Arizona reported the impossible. After having no one at their event in Phoenix only weeks earlier, Joe Biden became the first Democrat to win Maricopa County since Harry Truman.  This garbage Americans were forced to believe.

The problem, however, after unreal abuse, crimes, fraud, and lies, was the Republican Party joined FOX News and the Democrats in blessing the fraudulent 2020 Election lie.  

Biden was sworn in and Republicans, including President Trump’s Vice President, the Republican Head of the Senate, and the Republican Head of the House, confirmed Biden’s win and never saw Republican President Trump off.  No one else showed up to Biden’s Inauguration but Americans were told to believe Biden not only beat President Trump’s 75 million + votes but set a record with 81 million votes.  No Presidential candidate had ever surpassed 70 million before but somehow Biden, with no crowds anywhere, broke 80 million?  If you’re going to steal an election, steal big.

But the RNC’s efforts to confirm Biden’s election win were maybe what hurt Americans the most.  With President Trump gone, no one was there to protect Americans.  The Republicans showed it. 

In Georgia, the corrupt Republican Secretary of State who gave the election to Biden, lied about a call with President Trump, initiated an investigation because of it, and hid the tape from the call which showed the Sec of State lied, and yet the Republican led Georgia Legislature says let’s move on, nothing to see here, Biden won.  The state has more than 300,000 ballots that were counted in the election that do not include legally required chain of custody documentation and they give the election to Biden by a little over 10,000 votes.

Michigan, the state with the most corrupt Democrat leaders, backed by George Soros, had a Republican Senate release a report looking like it was written by the Democrats saying their election was fine – no fraud silly ones – Biden won.

Only in Arizona after the people DEMANDED a FORENSIC audit looking at all the ballots and verifying their legitimacy and looking at all machines, did the Republican Senate led by Karen Fan, finally, stand up.

In state after state the RNC caved but because it happened so much Americans are led to believe two things:

1) The RNC was in on the Election steal and they validate it by accepting the results, and

2) The RNC doesn’t care about you.

The RNC now is sending out letters asking for donations, wondering where ‘their’ base has gone:

The RNC claims they will protect you:

The RNC continues to back the Democrat’s 2020 Election steal and wants money to do so.  Who is leading this party, Democrats?  The RNC certifies the election by their actions.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

RNC Backs 2020 Election Fraud and Steal Then Thinks Americans Will Support Them in Future – Not A Chance RNC Backs 2020 Election Fraud and Steal Then Thinks Americans Will Support Them in Future – Not A Chance Reviewed by Your Destination on July 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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