AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition


Maricopa County used big tech money to steal this election and now big tech is covering it up with censorship of the truth.

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend initiated another investigation into the 2020 election with requests for the Arizona Auditor General to investigate the $3 MILLION in Zuckerbucks that was used to fund the Maricopa 2020 Presidential election.

Senator Townsend tweeted:

Townsend shared more to her telegram page, including screenshots of her emails to Auditor General Lindsey Perry
A.R.S.41-1279.04 provides the Auditor General’s authority to examine records. Paragraph D states that any office or person who knowingly fails or refuses to permit access and examination is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
This statute provides a class 2 misdemeanor for the supervisors if they do not comply.
This requested audit will show us exactly how private grant money like the $3 million in Zuckerbucks was used and more information about the shady Request for Proposal (RFP) and the process of acquiring Dominion as an election vendor.
Facebook is known to interfere with American elections through content algorithms and censorship of certain information. We will now know how radical leftist Secretary of State used Facebook’s money to combat “misinformation and disinformation.”

Post-election, big tech is removing and censoring pro-audit pages and pages that question the 2020 election’s legitimacy. This is an attack on the Constitution.

How else was this money used? Were bonuses handed to those who assisted with fraud?
In addition, we will learn about the shady acquisition of Dominion Voting Systems which is outlined in Merissa Hamilton’s Arizona 2020 Election Briefing Note.
Merissa outlines the County’s weak RFP security requirements which checked none of the following:

  Ownership of Dominion   Location of Offices   Location of Developers  Location of Servers

 Redundancy  Foreign Interference  Subsidiaries  Donations  Investors

Merissa Hamilton reports:


The AZ SOS Equipment Certification Advisory Committee conducted the only publicly available review of Dominion 5.5B. Anti-Trump, Antifa apologist, Dominion executive Eric Coomer led two sales demos, instead of a formal Committee-driven technical analysis, to satisfy the State certification requirement. The Committee did not produce any examination reports of their findings. Only meeting minutes on October 29th, 2019 and January 28th, 2020 are publicly available, documenting the sales demos.


In the AZ SOS October 29th meeting, Coomer says the login for adjudication is set-up as one login per adjudication team instead of an individual user. Maricopa County chose not to have full traceability and chain of custody by logging each adjudicator’s user name on their machines during the election.

On page 31 of the RFP, Dominion insists on a requirement that they “must fully participate in and support the County’s final election readiness security audit.” Direct mandatory participation in a security activity is an unusual request as the industry standard is for technology companies to always be an arms-length distance for security purposes.

On the day before Early Voting began on October 6th, 2020, Maricopa County published a video called “Vote Centers: Inside Look” that displayed all of the Dominion USB ports of the voting machines were open and unsealed. Open USB ports was the top security concern causing Texas to reject Dominion’s software model.

Texas refused to use these machines because of security issues but Maricopa County and the Secretary of State thought they would be perfect for what they wanted to do.

The entire contract was suspicious from the start.

The Arizona Auditor General is now making preparations to get started with a financial audit of the 2020 Maricopa County election.

AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition Reviewed by Your Destination on August 04, 2021 Rating: 5