Cindy McCain: I’m “Proud” I Helped Biden


Cindy McCain, the widow of former Senator John McCain, told The View that she was “proud” she helped Biden “win” the 2020 election.

Despite a border crisis, rising inflation, and rising gas prices she said that she believes that Biden is a “good president” and is leading the country in the “right direction.”

Cindy McCain was rewarded for her endorsement.

Biden nominated her to be US ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.

CNN reported:

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will nominate Cindy McCain as US ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture, elevating a longtime friend and Republican ally to an administration post.

If confirmed by the Senate, McCain — the widow of longtime Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, whose relationship with the President spanned decades — will represent the US in a specialized UN role focused on ending global hunger and expanding access to quality foods worldwide.

“I am deeply honored and look forward the work ahead,” McCain wrote in a tweet.

Establishment cronyism all the way through.

Cindy McCain: I’m “Proud” I Helped Biden Cindy McCain: I’m “Proud” I Helped Biden Reviewed by Your Destination on August 08, 2021 Rating: 5